United Way Recognizes Summer’s Working Youth

Summer Fund provided youth employment opportunities to 16 – 21 year old youth in Greater New Bedford.

As summer comes to a close, United Way of Greater New Bedford recognized the hard work done by 75 youth employees this summer through the Summer Fund and Learn & Serve Programs in a recent ceremony and luncheon. The Learn and Serve Program provided teams of youth ages 14 and 15 with projects that built basic work skills while fostering an ethic of civic engagement and community service.

“We are extremely proud of all the youth participating in Summer Fund and Learn & Serve,” said Michelle N. Hantman, United Way President. “It’s powerful to see what they have accomplished this summer and to know that they’ll carry these experiences with them to their next opportunity and beyond.”

In addition to the recognition of all participating youth, Felicia DosSantos, received the Summer Fund Super Star Award for going above and beyond her everyday duties at the Immigrants’ Assistance Center where she worked. Youth are nominated by their supervisors and the winner receives a $500 scholarship and a plaque.

Prior to their employment, Summer Fund youth employees completed a 1-day pre-employment training that addressed workplace basics including communications, how to dress, behavior and safety. BankFive also provided a session on financial literacy and the importance of savings. Youth worked at non-profits including Dennison Memorial Community Center, Dream Out Loud Center, the Immigrants’ Assistance Center, New Bedford Whaling Museum, NorthStar Learning Centers, Trustees of Reservations and Temple Landing. In addition several youth worked in different departments at the City of New Bedford through the New Bedford High School Work-Based Learning Initiative. Summer Fund also provides grants for camperships and cultural enrichment programs.

Youth participating in the Learn and Serve program completed projects at New Bedford Art Museum / ArtWorks!, the Dream Out Loud Center, Invest-in-Kids, New Bedford High School and Play in the Park. This program was funded with donations from CDM Smith, Island Foundation and Veolia Water.

“Programs such as the United Way’s Summer Learn & Serve Program allow us to engage and educate students at a time when they begin investigating future careers, while learning about the importance of protecting their community’s natural environment. Veolia is proud to be invested in the communities we service,” stated Farzin Kiani, VP – Business Development at Veolia.

Summer Fund is made possible through generous grants from the Bilezikian Family Foundation, Carney Family Foundation, Island Foundation and the following fund at the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts: Acushnet Foundation, Rainy Day Fund and the Women’s Fund Initiative.

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