The Love We Seek by Andre Morell


Love seeks but itself in another
But what is love?
Tis not so easily found
Or forged with ease
Truthfully, it is without sense or logic

It is the comfort of a word
The understanding in a nod
The warmth in a touch
Ears with which to listen
And shoulders leaned on to cry

It is forever patient
To come across it can be confusing
Even evoke anger
We examine it, look for strings
Try to gauge if there motives or angles
It’s simplicity is what so irritates

It can only be understood, once we accept
It is here for us for it sees our need
A proper word can inspire
And an insult can linger forever
If spoken by the one we love fully

I love true and I love full
There is no love without risk
Tis not free from anxiety or anxiousness
A bundles of nerves moving rapidly
We doubt if we speak the right words
Do we dress the right way? How we sound
Are we enough for them? Will we satisfy?
Do we feel worthy of their love?

Love only smiles back at us
Yelling let go your insecurities
I accept thee as you already are
It sees us with clear vision as perfect
We only need see ourselves, how it see us

I do love
And do see thee as my love
I see not faults, I see experiences
I see beauty, I see intelligence
I see all this in you
In truth I have always seen it

So fear not, question not
I’ve no strings to attach, no conditions
For what I see in you is love
And assuredly there is no finer
You set my heart ablaze
My Queen

By Andre Morell

About NewBedfordGuide

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