The Crosby/Nash Experience


dori legge author pic
By Dori Legge

“Words can’t reach it.”

My sister, Jeanne, used this phrase when she was at a loss for words to describe an experience so moving, so overwhelming, so mind blowing, that there were just no words in her vocabulary (extensive though it was) to verbalize it. “Words can’t reach it” is the only phrase that comes close to expressing the experience lived by myself, my family and over a thousand devoted fans of Crosby & Nash at their recent performance in New Bedford’s Zeiterion Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, May 24.

Backing up for a minute, many have wondered how this venerable duo and their cache of extremely talented band-mates landed onstage at New Bedford’s ‘Z.’  David explained it most eloquently, if not a bit mysteriously, when he dedicated a new song, “Slice of Time,” to “the odd connection of people who got us to this exact spot this night…Spider Robinson and Dori Legge.” I am Dori, musician/singer/songwriter and house manager at the ‘Z,’ and I, along with my brother-in-law, Spider (an award winning novelist in his own right), are the odd connection of which David speaks.

Spider and David, along with my sister Jeanne (who passed away last year from biliary cancer), met in 2005.  They shared a mutual admiration of music, writing, dance and Woodstock-era hippie culture, so they began corresponding via email and quickly became fast friends. When Spider shared some of my music with David, David and I began corresponding until one day when I bravely popped the question – Would he and Graham Nash like to play the Z?  A few weeks later it was a done deal: The date was booked, tickets went on sale and the show rapidly sold out in only six days.

The Zeiterion poster for An Evening with Crosby & Nash.

Tuesday’s performance, the last date of a successful and strenuous tour schedule, was nothing less than spectacular. Joined by keyboardist (and Crosby’s son) James Raymond, Dean Parks on guitar, bassist Kevin McCormick and drummer Steve DiStanislao, the pair offered up classic favorites and new songs that had the crowd eating out of their hands from the very first note. Their hair may be a bit more on the gray side but the vocals are still strong, tight and true. Put that together with their superb guitar fingering and voicing techniques, which have only ripened with age, and Crosby and Nash proved they can still put on an amazing live show.

The personal connection between David and I extends to my songwriting partner, musician and writer Butch McCarthy. Our latest release, Tickets To The Moon, was mailed to David at his request and is now firmly ensconced in his rather extensive collection of iPod playlists. Sharing our original songs with such an iconic music legend has been a life changing experience for both Butch and myself.

Dinner with David

In the countless fantasies in my head surrounding meeting David and hosting the C&N band at the ‘Z’, I never, ever, imagined sitting next to him at my sister’s dinner table, chatting, drinking wine and piling a mountainous portion of pasta, homemade meatballs and sausage onto his plate. Here’s how it happened…

On impulse, I had emailed David Monday morning with my cell number, just in case he wanted to hook up with Spider in the afternoon (all my family had flown in for the show) or needed anything in general. I also mentioned homemade Italian meatballs and sauce. My cell rang a few hours later, as I was standing in the linen department at Target.

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Family dinner with...David Crosby (back, left)?

“Hey Dori, it’s David Crosby.”  My hands started shaking as I temporarily lost control of my shopping cart and crashed into a clearance rack of flannel sheets and down comforters. “Hi David, what’s up?” The lady coming down the aisle in my direction was looking at me strangely as my knees buckled, forcing me to sit down abruptly on a display of fluffy alternative pillows. “Well hey, were you serious about that home cooked meal invite?” My mind started racing. Oh my God!  I have to call Laurie and tell her to clean the house and damn, my car’s a disgusting pit: What if I have to pick him up? “Sure, we’d love to have you.  Where are you staying?”

A few hours later, me, David  and 12 of my family members were breaking bread together, sharing stories and jokes like we had known one another for a lifetime. David is a kind, generous, passionate, articulate, witty man;  a good soul who loved my sister Jeanne, dearly. And in turn, loved us too. It was an evening I will not soon forget.

Lost in Providence

Yes, I was a little nervous about being alone in the car with David on the ride from his hotel in Providence back to Dartmouth. Would I be able to put two intelligent words together and not sound like the star struck fan I knew I was as I conversed with this musical legend? Plus, my car was a mess. And, as usual, I had gotten lost getting there.

When I finally gave in and called David to tell him I was lost in Providence, he very calmly handed the phone to someone at the desk and they guided me in. When I arrived, he walked up to my car and opened the back door, threw in his computer bag, looked at my mess of a back seat and smiled. I shrugged and said, “Yeah, I’m a slob with a lousy sense of direction. Hop in.” After that, it was easy….we talked non-stop the rest of the way home.

David Crosby: Legendary musician and a great guy.

When I asked him about life on the road:

“I never know where I am, where I’ve been, or where I’m going to.”

When we were talking about alternative guitar tunings and I mentioned Joni Mitchell:

“In a hundred years, people will still be listening to Joni and Bob (Dylan). They are the premiere poets of our generation. But I think Joni is better. And more musical.”

When I wondered why Dean Parks, an LA session player, had decided to go on the road with them:

“Well, he wanted to try something different. And he likes us – we don’t tell him what to play.”

Then, later on at dinner…..

When I warned him about my large, loud Italian/Portuguese family as we drove into the driveway:

“Loud Italians are some of my favorite people”

To my mother, as he took a bite out of one of her famous cinnamon nut rolls:

“Are you the person responsible for this?”

To all of us, as he queued up some of his new songs on his Mac Book to play for us:

“Here’s some new stuff – hope you like it.” (how could we NOT?)

The Concert

Butch McCarthy
by Butch McCarthy

First of all, being invited to attend the Crosby/Nash concert as Mr. Crosby’s guest was amazing. I’ve been a huge fan since they first started singing together in the ’60s. To learn that he loves our music was amazing, but to meet the man and shake his hand was life-changing.

Before the show even began I was invited to the sound check. I was bowled over by the countless guitars that were trotted out one-by-one to be checked. Dozens of beautiful guitars with different open tunings- each one sounding better than the last.  After the sound check  I could not wait for the show.

By 7:30 P.M. the theater was jammed and buzzing. It seemed like I knew everyone there; I had so many friends in attendance, I couldn’t keep track. The lights dimmed and the iconic figures of David Crosby and Graham Nash took the stage with their amazing band and launched into a blistering version of “Eight Miles High,” a song Crosby wrote as a member of The Byrds.

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Graham Nash (l) and David Crosby perform at The Z.

The band was incredibly tight and each song was a joy. From the raucous “Almost Cut My Hair” to the beautifully melodic “Guinevere,” each song was carefully crafted.  After the intermission they delivered hit after hit, until the crowd was on its feet demanding an encore which culminated with “Teach Your Children.” Everyone in the house sang it- every word. We all knew the lyrics. We all loved it. We were all a little moist in the eyes.

Afterwards I had the privilege of hanging out in the Green Room with David, Graham and the band. I was in a daze, especially when David looked me in the eye and told me he loved our music. What more could I ask for?

Back in the Green Room with Dori…

Months of anticipation and over three hours of musical exhilaration were coming to an end as the band began to grab their things and head out the stage door onto the tour bus bound for NYC. Even though the Green Room was still filled with friends and family, everyone seemed to melt away as David, Spider and I drew close to say our goodbyes. Hard hugs, claps on the back, and heartfelt goodbyes were exchanged between all of us…and tears, yes there were a few. Just before he turned to go, David looked at me intensely, with those piercing baby blues and said:

“I don’t know when I will see you again…but we are now friends.”

We all could use a friend like David Crosby.


To hear Crosby & Nash:

To hear Dori & Butch:

To meet Spider:

To meet Jeanne:

About NewBedfordGuide

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  1. Vicki Bancroft

    I totally agree with your nicely written review of the Crosby/Nash concert. It was an incredible night and genuinely made me proud to be a member of my generation. Nash’s album “Songs for Beginners” basically got me through my sophomore year in college and to hear my two favorite tracks live just made my night. I am so glad they were provided with local hospitality. Thanks.

  2. So glad you enjoyed the show, Vicki. They put on a first rate show.

  3. Great Article! Really puts a personal side to the musicians that I’m sure most people never see. Makes me regret not finding a way to get to the show!

  4. I am so glad my husband and I were able to attend the show…the show was great and your article was great. I can only imagine how you felt when you received that phone call while in Target. Thanks for sharing something personal with all of us Crosby/Nash fans!

  5. What a wonderful story. Thank you for telling it. It’s a rare gift to meet one of those musicians who have shaped us working musicans over the course of our lives and then to find them to be such beautiful human beings. I was touched by your encounter and appreciate the respect you showed for him and all that beautiful music-in you too!

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