State Police to implement 2 day long sobriety checkpoint in Bristol County


ma-state-police-sealColonel Timothy P. Alben, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, announced that a “Sobriety Checkpoint” will be implemented by the Massachusetts State Police on a Public Way Friday, November 7, 2014 into Saturday November 8, 2014.

The purpose is to further educate the motoring public and strengthen the public’s awareness to the need of detecting and removing those motorists who operate under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs from our roadways. It will be operated during varied hours, the selection of vehicles will not be arbitrary, safety will be assured, and any inconveniences to motorists will be minimized with advance notice to reduce fear and anxiety.

Thanks to a grant provided by the Highway safety division of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety & Security.

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  1. Great Job and Thank you for Keeping our streets safe.
    Constable Thompson

  2. This is a bunch of bull….. It’s not about safety….. Let’s see the statistics of the number of people “under the influence” that they actually catch….. next to NONE!…. This is about totalitarian control and revenue generation…. ticketing drivers for all kinds of offenses under the false pretense of a “Sobriety Checkpoint”…. I wish I had heard about this sooner… I’d be out there with signs warning drivers…. and if Mass starts doing those “No Refusal Blood Draw Checkpoints” that have become so popular in other states… well… I’ll make sure to be out there warning drivers….. The state and union are out of control and needs to be put in their place

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