State Police Sobriety Checkpoint planned for Bristol County


Colonel Timothy P. Alben, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, announced that a “Sobriety Checkpoint” will be implemented by the Massachusetts State Police on a Public Way in Bristol County from Friday April 3, 2015 into Saturday April 4, 2015.

The purpose is to further educate the motoring public and strengthen the public’s awareness to the need of detecting and removing those motorists who operate under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs from our roadways. It will be operated during varied hours, the selection of vehicles will not be arbitrary, safety will be assured, and any inconveniences to motorists will be minimized with advance notice to reduce fear and anxiety.

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  1. unconstitutional stops. unless they see you swerving in and out of marked lanes and suspect you of committing the dui offence why are they stoping people and wasting tax paying dollars to pay them troopers to illegally stop people? i dont understand! do we need to go over the 2nd 4th 5th and 6th ammendments people???? don’t we the people still have rights???? under our constitution??? whats going on here??? pull me over and im recording it to a cloud so if you brake my phone it dont matter. i carry back up ones also equipt in my car at all times… i record cops!!!! and if you unconstitutionally detain me without suspecting me of commiting an actual crime….. my lawyer will chew it up and ill say thanks for the money!!!

  2. How many drunks have been arrested by these so called sobriety check points?
    I want actual figures. How many motor vehicle violations have been issued at these sobriety check points?
    How many arrests have been made for outstanding warrants?
    I want facts and figures.
    I want them published in the newspaper.
    Once this is done then we can evaluate the effectiveness of these check points.
    I’ll bet this will never happen.
    I’ll bet even further that this information is not available to the public or newspaper.

  3. i do not consent to unconstitutional searches. i do not have to roll my window down. i will display my license thru the closed window. front and back if you want. i will not talk to you. place any tickets under the windshield wiper and go away. and, i want my lawyer.

  4. “The purpose is to further educate..” Wrong!!!!
    The purpose is to continue to try to condition both the public AND
    the officers into believing these UNCONSTITUTIONAL actions are
    legal… which they are most definitely not. I would encourage the
    citizens of Bristol County to spend the next few days on YouTube or
    any information site re-learning your rights as an American citizen
    in a free Republic…

  5. 4th amendment violation.
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things.
    Is this not America land of the free. Land were I am inoccent until proven guilty. This is entrapment.


    Check point are illegal and a violation of your rights.

  7. Maybe your all older and follow the laws or dont drink and drive maybe dont go to the clubs anymore but providence has a ton of clubs and i know a lot of 18-24 range that drive drunk ever single weekend i was almost killed getting into a car with one of them before i just stopped going out all together and maybe its not fair to everyone but i would do it knowing that maybe just maybe theyll save a life i wish someone would have stopped me from getting in that car or letting him drive untill He hit a gaurd rail and spun out of control near swansea which out destination was fall river and you know whats even crazier the coke he did before we left made him pass the sobriety test and i hate to break it to you but the majority of people walking out of these clubs are hammered and its not the clubs fault i had friends that dumped out water bottles and filled them with vodka and your probably thinking younger losers etc but no where talking college students young adults with fulltime jobs church members and the occasional loser but point being you have no idea what goes on under the cops noses under your noses under parents noses.. When i look back i regret every single time and thank god no one i know is dead from driving under the influence.

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