Rev. Russ Chamberlain let go from Mercy Meals



Rev. Russ Chamberlain has been let go from Mercy Meals and More, the organization that provides breakfast and a temporary cold weather shelter for the homeless in New Bedford during the freezing winter days. Here is a press release sent out from the board at Mercy Meals and More:


As Mercy Meals & More continues to grow and move forward, the leadership, which is the Board of Directors, has decided to separate from the current Program Director. We would like to reassure the public, our faithful contributors and especially the homeless and less fortunate, that this program will continue, as we always have, to serve and benefit this community. The Board would also like to thank the Program Director for all of his years of service and we wish him success in his future endeavors.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. Russ started this ministry and has been the driving force behind its success. Mercy meals Board of Directors should all be ashamed of themselves. They have no basis for letting him go as it was Board member Peter Wilde who was Russ’s volunteer who wanted Russ’s job and convinced other board members by false accusations to dismiss him. Since then Peter Wilde has been barred from Church property for assault on clients which I personally saw twice during the storms. I will not support this ministry again and I advise others to do the same. Russ will be starting a new ministry and I hope that you will support him.
    p.s. I have been a volunteer since the program started and I was a volunteer during this past winter working 18 hrs a day. I have witnessed all the above and I stand by my words

    • this just sounds like another way to get a good person out,everyone should leave and follow the rev. wherever he goes

    • Is this is so sad but this happens everyday good luck Rev.Russ and good luck in your future ministry.

  2. if there is no good reason for letting a good person go, then whats the point? I hope all the volunteers leave Mercy Meals and More and follow Rev. Russ Chamberlain and help him start his new ministry.

  3. It’s a shame that Mercy Meals let Rev Russ. It is horrible that the reason was to get someone in, namely Peter Wilde (according to above note) and then to have him treat the people the way he did. Rev Russ is a kind man and didn’t deserve to be let go. I have supported Mercy Meals in the past with donations, now I will find out where Rev Russ goes and will follow him. I hope Mercy Meals is happy with their choice not to keep Rev Russ. Big mistake.

  4. The board of directors should be ashamed of themselves. This man has done nothing but help the less fortunate in the city. Peter is only looking for recognition and does not have the heart that Rev. Russ does! Mercy Meals will not last. You might as well bury Mercy Meals.

  5. yep…”spiritual wickedness in high places” I pray the homeless don’t suffer from this foolishness

  6. People should really have the facts before making comments about this situation. Look into Rev Russ’ history and find out how he landed at Mercy Meals. There’s way more to this story than any of you know. The volunteers are the heart of this program and should be thanked. The two Pete’s should check themselves in the mirror before degrading anyone at the program.

  7. It makes me sick that all the good is being pushed out…

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