READER OPINION: “Politicial hypocrisy is the biggest threat to this country!”


The following is an opinion sent to New Bedford Guide. It does not reflect the opinion of New Bedford Guide, nor is it an OP-ED. In fairness and objectivity, we share opinions from our readers whether we agree or disagree with their opinion.

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“It is astounding and amazing that so may voters, politicians and legislators are aroused and mortified at the possibility that Joe Biden, in collusion with his son Biden, may have enriched himself with foreign funds relying on his prominence in government.

And if that is provably true then there should be considerable consequences legally and politically. But these same critics stood by for many years observing Trump and his cronies, and family, ostensibly committing continuous criminality, fraud and blatant hucksterism without uttering condemnation or taking appropriate investigative action. The hypocrisy is demoralizing and immobilizing to those who have been following unbiased news with corroborating documentation.

How do you reconcile the enormity of Trump’s malfeasance, criminality, deceit and vitriol that hasn’t disenchanted his ardent supporters, but causes them indignation, and in some cases violence, when Biden is accused of far less serious corruption and unethical behavior?

The hypocrisy is in some ways more disconcerting than the Trumpian antics, as so many have come to realize that he may be psychologically incapable of controlling his deviant behavior but his followers are not sufficiently disturbed or alienated to apply the same standards to his conduct.

The willingness to accept, or ignore, Trump’s atrocious allegations, racial disparagement, misogynistic actions, destructive lies and sexual misconduct, while having fits of outrage at the Bidens is what has fueled the heartache, dread and fury for so many voters who are justifiably fearing the upcoming election.”-Betty Ussach, Dartmouth.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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