City Seeks Public Input on Updated Draft Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan


The Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan examines the natural hazards facing the City, assesses the vulnerability of the area’s residents, property and businesses, and makes recommendations on ways to mitigate the negative effects of typical natural hazards. (

The City of New Bedford with assistance from its consultant, CDM Smith, has developed an updated “Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.” This plan is intended to serve as an all encompassing guide to identifying and understanding the types of natural hazards New Bedford is vulnerable to as well as to outline community plans to mitigate those potential hazards in advance of their occurrence.

The plan/document already incorporates the input and expertise of the relevant city department heads and local leaders. However, it is vitally important that City property owners and residents review the plan and offer feedback which can be incorporated in the final version. To encourage this public review and feedback, the City has posted the plan online: New Bedford residents and property owners are invited to review the plan and provide feedback and comment before it is presented to the City Council for adoption and submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) for acceptance.

The plan will remain on the City web site for several weeks and will be updated as needed to reflect the most current version. It is anticipated that on or about January 30, 2015 the document will be submitted to FEMA for its review while the City of New Bedford continues to refine the plan and ensure that it is accurate and finalized before being presented to the City Council.

Comments and feedback on the Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan may be emailed to David Fredette, City Engineer, at or sent by hard copy to the City Department of Public Infrastructure, 1105 Shawmut Avenue, New Bedford, MA 02746 Attn: David Fredette or call (508) 979-1550 x128.

About the Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan examines the natural hazards facing the City, assesses the vulnerability of the area’s residents, property and businesses, and makes recommendations on ways to mitigate the negative effects of typical natural hazards. The effort has drawn from the local knowledge of a group of officials and residents, and the recommendations presented are meant to be realistic and effective steps for mitigating natural hazards. Ultimately, it is hoped that these actions will translate into savings, fewer lives lost, less property destroyed, and minimal disruption to essential services.

About NewBedfordGuide

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