Providence College Friars star Bryce Hopkins surprises kids at New Bedford Boy & Girls Club


The kids at the Boys & Girls Club of New Bedford couldn’t contain their excitement when PC Friars basketball star and projected 2nd round draft pick, Bryce Hopkins walked into the gym on Wednesday afternoon. He was accompanied with PC Friars woman’s basketball standout, Grace Efosa.

They spoke to the kids, answered a bunch of wholesome questions, and then played with them in the gym for about an hour. As I mentioned, the excitement and wholesome levels were at an all time high. Below is a video of the kids cheering for Bryce to dunk, he almost blew the roof off the gym when he threw it down!

Once all of the tee shirts were signed and most of the kids have been picked up by their parents, I asked Bryce and Grace for a quick interview. They were happy answer a few questions before they headed out to the Fall River Boys & Girls Club!

Big shout out to Southcoast Health, The Boys & Girls Club of New Bedford, and the Providence Friars for organizing all of this for the kids! There is no doubt that this made a bunch of kids weeks, and they will most likely be talking about this experience for a long time, especially if Bryce puts together a successful career in the NBA!

About Steven Richard

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