Help Wanted: Program Coordinator – Junior Achievement of Southern Massachusetts


Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement (JA) of Southern Massachusetts is a nonprofit organization that empowers young people to own their economic success. Through an innovative partnership between educators, volunteers and the business community, JA offers programs that foster work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. JA’s volunteer-delivered curriculum uses experiential learning to teach young people about making smart academic, financial and career choices throughout life.

The Program Coordinator position is a part-time, 25 hour/week position supervised by the President. The Program Coordinator will be responsible for the overall implementation and management of all JA programs, assuring that all administrative procedures are implemented and that volunteers are secured and trained. The position also includes increasing public awareness for JA programs, assuring program quality and expansion, maintaining strong school relations, planning and executing methods of recognition, developing a yearly planning calendar, and acting as a liaison to the Board.

Candidates should possess a minimum of an Associate’s Degree or equivalent and should also possess strong oral/written communication, interpersonal and organization/planning skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Microsoft Access a plus) and evidence of creativity, self-motivation and a problem solving is required. Candidates must possess the ability to work both independently and in a team environment. Experience in program management, education or business is a plus, as well as familiarity with area schools and businesses.

If interested, please send a resume, cover letter and your desired hourly rate to Resumes will be accepted until Monday, November 18th. Please DO NOT CALL the Junior Achievement office.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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