3 places to chow downtown for a deal – even on a UMass students’ budget!

Cafe Arpeggio serves some of the best java in the city – roasted in their own facility!

As a college student I am continually trying to get a good deal on yummy food without burning a hole into my pocket. Between books and gas I find myself only dishing out that dollar or two for ramen noodles.

Luckily downtown New Bedford has three great places where students can dine at an affordable price, and these places just so happen to accept 10 PLUS Meal Plan flex dollars.

If you are a sub or sandwich lover, then the first place to eat is Café Arpeggio. They have a huge menu for vegetarians from a Greek veggie wrap to a sesame pesto vegetarian melt. Subway has always been my go-to sandwich place, but after my first experience here I may never go back.

Destinations Soups’ Gazpacho. Yum!

This quiet and comfortable setting will leave you talking with your friends for hours without realizing the amount of time that has gone by. Have a cup of their gourmet coffee or freshly roasted espresso drinks with your soup or sandwich; along with a friend or two and it will end up be a successful lunch date.

Who doesn’t love a nice hot soup to warm themselves up on a chilly fall day? Destination Soup serves cream tomato basil soup, it reminds me of my grandmother’s soup, which makes me feel closer to home even when I am miles away. Destination Soup is a great alternative to ramen noodles, and the best thing about this restaurant is that they deliver.

Destination soups recently started a partnership with Apponagansett Farm in Dartmouth for locally grown produce, which adds to their inspired specials like the eggplant Parmesan Sandwich and luckily it is back on the menu due to popular demand. It is served with homemade marinara and fresh mozzarella as well!

Last but not least is my favorite of all three restaurants, Tia Maria’s European Café. If you are tired of eating American food, try its Portuguese cuisine. It offers homemade desserts, coffee and more! I enjoyed this place the is most because they offer outside seating, and I was able to indulge in great food from another culture especially when I tried their Turkey Reuben with their own homemade dressing.

Tia Maria’s European Cafes BELT: Bacon, Egg Salad, Lettuce & Tomato!

“I have used my UMass Pass Tia Maria’s European Café and I was pretty excited I was able to use money that was already on my UMass Pass for off campus food,” said Hector Carrisquillo, a junior at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth “The food was great and I am interested to see the other places that accept our dining plans.”

Shannon White a senior from the University or Massachusetts Dartmouth expressed how excited she was that she is able to use her UMass Pass off of campus.

“It gets tiring to eat the same food on campus, and I hate spending extra money, but it is extremely convenient and a wonderful idea for UMD to hook up with places off campus so students can try new food for a change, without a price.”

Fortunately even if you are not a UMass student you can still enjoy these restaurants for an affordable price. All three places offer breakfast, lunch and dinner. I highly suggest everyone go and try out these café’s because it is places like this that make New Bedford authentic and contribute a lot to the improvement of the city.

About Janei Perkins

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One comment

  1. Check out Ming for sushi – GREAT food and prices – Purchase Street next to Pour Farm.

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