Oversharing with social media

Do your friends have annoying social media habits?

by Jordis Brown

Oversharing on Facebook is that elephant in the room that no one wants to directly talk about but you’ll gladly repost a funny meme having to do with it. “Dirty laundry goes in the hamper not on your Wall”. I think we can all agree that there are several different types of Facebook sharing that is better left offline. Let’s address a few:

Typically taken with a smart phone, this is a practice done by many. Almost everyone has taken a selfie at one point or another. But how many is too many? Well if you feel the need to take and post a picture of yourself daily, sometimes multiple times a day, you may in fact be annoying. With captions such as “I’m bored” “Bad hair day” or “Just chillin” you really help aid in the opinion of others in thinking that this person has a really high opinion of their self. I’ve learned in the past that when a friend post a picture and says “I’m fat” they don’t want you commenting on where they can find a good gym! They either want you to lie to them or hate them a little for thinking 118lbs is somehow overweight.

“I’m in love”
I think after the first 20 posts expressing how madly in love you are, that your friend’s list gets it. You are in love and he or she is “the one.” We’ll ignore the fact that Facebook has a timeline and you said the same thing six months ago with someone else.

We’ll even ignore that fact that your ex is either on your friend’s list or you share friends and this seems oddly reminiscent of high school antics to make your former partner jealous. Maybe I’ve outgrown the need to prove to others that my relationship is on solid ground and we’re eachothers soulmates. Or I just don’t want to make single friends feel bad. Real relationships are not perfect and full of sunshine and happiness. So if you’re only posting about how wonderful things are there is a better chance than not that you are being dishonest.

“Politics overkill”
You and everyone else who has an awareness of the world around them has taken sides with a political view and feels the need to share it. That’s fine. It’s our right to express our opinions and almost our duty to stand by our beliefs. But if your other posts are of bar hopping, complaining about your parents giving you a curfew at 21yrs old or if you are the type that ‘chooses’ not to work or in anyway contribute to mainstream society…then there is a chance you are a poor representation for your convictions. Much like a ‘Jesus is my Co-Pilot’ bumper sticker on the car of someone who is driving recklessly doesn’t really want to make anyone subscribe to the faith.

“Look at my Kid!”
Okay first let me say that I do this all the time! I am damn proud of my children and find them to be the only beautiful thing I have and feel the need to share. It has its benefits. If I didn’t create albums on Facebook, I would lose many pictures that I’ve taken. Like so many others I failed to order prints and just simply upload them to my computer. I’m sure it’s annoying to see so many children/baby pictures filling up your newsfeed. Odds are, if you think that way, then you are one of two people…a non-parent or a detached parent who doesn’t see one’s child as the most amazing part of your life. Again, I’m biased here.

“So & So is a jerk”
Most of the time ranting about someone has to do with a relationship that ended badly. We’re on a social media because we like to share and network, so it’s only natural to post a few angry comments about someone who has done you wrong. It’s those that don’t shut up about it, that really need to find some other outlet. If it has to do with an ex and you go on and on about how he cheated on you while you were pregnant or how she hooked up with your best friend, you are creating a response from your friend’s list much like a Jerry Springer show audience. The support may give you a uplifting boost but don’t assume that when you reconcile that relationship and ‘forgive’ that person that your friends will do the same. If anything, they may see you in a whole new light and it’s not in your favor.

Oversharing is just part of social media. The great thing about facebook which may save your sanity and perhaps some friendships, is as easy as a settings change. Just click unfollow.

About Jordis Brown

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