OPINION: “Unless Donald Trump is prosecuted for serious crimes his re-election is a real possibility”


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“There isn’t a speech or twitter by Donald Trump that doesn’t declare that he is innocent of all charges and all these investigations have been a witch hunt by the deep state. If there isn’t a guilty finding of obstruction of Justice, incitement of an insurrection, or election interference, with a jail sentence consequence, his chance for re-election is almost assured.

Only some of the wavering prior MAGA supporters are looking elsewhere for a Republican replacement. Still unconvinced that Trump is anything but one of the people, and is being unfairly persecuted, they are checking out other possible candidates. Thus far their explanation is that there are too many distracting issues swirling around Trump and perhaps it’s time to consider changing their allegiance to a Trump like candidate with less drama. But, their answers are rarely that he is a threat to this country or that he is a grifting narcissist.

If all these drawn out, undoubtedly expensive, investigations don’t produce unequivocal evidence that Trump has engaged in serious criminal activities for which a jail sentence, or serious probationary restrictions are imposed, his supporters will return to the fold with renewed enthusiasm and enhanced grievance about the deep state. And for the independent voters who have been inundated with conspiracy theories, a seemingly innocent, and persecuted Trump may deserve another chance at the presidency.

The closer the country comes to the “real” campaign season, without a federal indictment, the more it will be attributed to an effort to sabotage his candidacy and not an unbiased accumulation of unassailable evidence of criminal or treasonous activities.

The longer it takes and the more officials, or associates, are interviewed the more it appears like a fishing expedition rather than a search for justice.

Enough evidence, and self incriminating statements of Trump, are present in the public domain to justify several indictments, and the forestalling of decisions is inexcusably weakening their cases against him. Truly justice delayed will be justice denied if Donald Trump regains the presidency.”-Betty Ussach, Dartmouth.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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One comment

  1. I hope voters are not so dumb, but you know what P.T. Barnum said.

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