New Youth Advisory Group Seeking Participants

YAG will have its first meeting on April 27 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Child & Family Services located at 3057 Acushnet Avenue in New Bedford.

The Community Service Agency (CSA) program at Child & Family Services is recruiting males and females in the transition age youth population (ages 14 to 24) to their new Youth Advisory Group (YAG).

YAG will have its first meeting on April 27 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Child & Family Services located at 3057 Acushnet Avenue in New Bedford. The aim of the group is to engage and empower transition age youth to contribute to the dialogue around mental health in our community. Attendees will participate in activities in order to develop a plan to include young adult voices in the overall agency publications and marketing strategies. It is also an opportunity to spread the word about young adults in CSA services.

“The transition age can be such a difficult time for young adults, and it’s important for them to know that they have a voice,” said Erin McAlonan, CSA program coordinator.

“This group will be a great chance for the young adults of our community to interact and spread information about the services and supports available to them,” she added.
The group will meet the last Monday of each month. A light dinner and gift cards will be offered at every meeting to all attendees. Transportation passes will be available if needed. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Brandy Mohn at 508-742-3872.

The Youth Advisory Group is made possible by the STAY (Success for Transition Age Youth) Together grant through the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. The goal of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health is “to help young persons embark on a positive path into adulthood – toward the goals of personal stability, community housing, employment, education and positive family/ social relationships.”

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