New Bedford woman seeks identity of man who rescued her after being stuck in street after falling and injuring herself


“I need some help looking for a man that was heaven sent.

He was driving a white Jeep, I believe. I fell during the snowstorm on 2/1 and couldn’t get up from the middle of the street and I did quite a bit of damage to my left knee. I sat in the street yelling for help for several minutes.

I finally saw headlights and I flagged a vehicle down. With no hesitation, a man stopped and said “Ma’am I got you!” He put my arms around his neck and picked me up. I was finally on my feet again but I couldn’t take any steps or bear any weight on my left side.

By this time my neighbors heard the commotion and my daughter came out. The man asked if he could walk me into the house I told him I’m going to stay leaning against the car until paramedics arrive. He left before I could ask him his name.

I never looked at him neither so I don’t know what he looks like. If anyone knows who this angel is that was on Newton & Kempton St around 5:30 PM Monday, February 1, I truly want to thank him personally ❤️!

Turns out that I dislocated my knee cap from the fall. Thanks to the man who helped out because if he didn’t help me it could have been a lot worse.”-Carla Vieira.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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