Photo by Josh Souza.

New Bedford Public Schools unveils new District Strategic Plan


Superintendent Thomas Anderson unveiled New Bedford Public Schools District Strategic Plan 2020 at a media event held today at the Keith Middle School Community Room. Speakers included Mayor Jon Mitchell, school committee, students, teachers and community members.

The document unveiled today is the result of input from more than 80 individuals, including students, parents, teachers/staff, administrators, and community members over the course of a year. Also informing the Strategic Plan is the collective feedback from nearly 50 partner organizations representing a wide range of perspectives from across the community.

Photo by Josh Souza.

Mayor Jon Mitchell said, “The schools’ strategic plan has the depth and clarity that New Bedford Public Schools families, and the city as a whole, can appreciate and support. It’s up to all of us to ensure the district’s continued success for our students, but it is clear that meaningful, measurable progress is already happening. New Bedford’s schools have turned the page and are focused on the future; this document collects the community’s shared vision and charts a detailed course for further progress.”

Strategic Plan 2020 – Unlocking the Future, is a comprehensive roadmap for reaching district goals, benchmarks, action items and priorities. Divided into three sections, the plan provides an outline on “Lessons Learned” and spells out an action plan with “Strategic Enhancements” which include “New Data Collection, Analysis Systems and New Strategic Monitoring.” The 26-page document identifies district benchmarks and measurable outcomes through 2022.

Photo by Josh Souza.

Introducing the plan, Superintendent Thomas Anderson related how in 2019, NBPS transitioned to a District Strategic Action Plan utilizing the “Planning for Success” model, which does not require the oversight of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). “However, our new goals – building from the initial AIP objectives – use continuous acts of planning, training, measuring, analyzing progress and implementing strategies,” he said, adding “the action plan has been in place and has been guiding our processes as we work to enhance the teaching and learning process.”

Caitlyn Sentes, a 14-year educator and 6th grade ELA teacher at Keith participated in the year-long process of creating the plan. “Our main focus as a committee was to review the current district goals and build a new plan that would help us to improve different aspects of our schools to ensure that our students receive a high quality, balanced education in order to prepare them to compete on the global level,” she said, noting “the opportunity to collaborate with people from so many facets of our city was invaluable.”

Photo by Josh Souza.

The new Strategic Plan lays out agreed-upon strategies to realize the district’s five goals: 1) High Quality Instruction – Increase student achievement by strengthening teaching and learning; 2) Effective Student Support Systems – Create an inclusive, culturally responsive learning environment; 3) Strong Family/Community Relationships – Empower families and the community through collaboration; 4) Organizational Team Excellence – Cultivate and recruit a highly skilled workforce; and 5) Public Confidence and Pride – Implement effective strategies to raise the profile and reputation of NBPS.

Additional speakers included Raquel Reis, New Bedford High School junior; Joaquim “Jack” Livramento, School Committee; Maria A. Rosario, Executive Director, North Star Learning Centers; Richard Leeman, Principal, Irwin M. Jacobs Elementary School; Christopher Garcia, President, New Bedford Educators Association; and Jennifer Ferland, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships NBPS.

The Strategic Plan is available on the NBPS website:

Thomas Anderson, superintendent of New Bedford Public Schools, provides an overview of the new district strategic plan, which was unveiled today at Keith Middle School. ‘Strategic Plan 2020 – Unlocking the Future’ is available online at

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