New Bedford Public Schools Launches Family and Community Engagement Survey


New Bedford Public Schools is asking all staff, parents and community members to participate in a Family and Community Engagement Survey active from May 5 to June 6. District leadership will use the survey to communicate successes and measure community perceptions about their ongoing efforts to improve student achievement.

Designed and administered by independent technology and communications firm K12 Insight, the survey asks participants to share their thoughts on key issues such as leadership and governance, core values and information sources, among others. This survey is part of the district’s long-term communication strategy, which is intended to mobilize the entire community around an agenda of continuous improvement and consistent progress.

“A culture of achievement is only sustainable through school, community and family partnerships,” said Superintendent of New Bedford Public Schools Dr. Pia Durkin. “The feedback from this survey will facilitate school and community communication and foster a culture of accountability and success.”

The survey will be accessible to all staff, parents, students and community members via a public link on the district’s website, a public link shared with New Bedford community groups and a QR code located on posters displayed at district and community facilities.

As candor and widespread participation are essential to the district’s engagement efforts, results will not be tied to individual participants. In addition, the survey will be available in Portuguese and Spanish.

Once the survey has closed on June 6, district leadership will share results with the community, along with an explanation of how they will use the data to meet critical district goals.

“It’s essential that we unite around a common understanding of what is in the best interests of our students,” Durkin said. “Together, we’ll create an education environment that provides opportunities for every student to excel.”

New Bedford Public Schools wants to hear your voice!

Your voice plays a vital role in helping us mobilize the entire community around our shared goal of increasing student achievement. Please take a few minutes to complete our Family and Community Engagement Survey.

¡Las Escuelas Públicas de New Bedford desean escuchar su voz!

Su voz juega un papel vital en ayudarnos a movilizar a toda la comunidad en torno al objetivo que compartimos de incrementar el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Por favor, tómese unos minutos para completar nuestra Encuesta sobre la Participación de la Familia y la Comunidad.

New Bedford Public Schools quer ouvir sua voz!

Sua voz tem um papel importante para nos ajudar a mobilizar toda a comunidade no que diz respeito a nosso objetivo comum de aumentar o aproveitamento escolar dos alunos. Por favor, dedique alguns minutos para preencher nosso Questionário de Envolvimento Familiar e da Comunidade.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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