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New Bedford Community Preservation Act Applications to be presented at public meetings


The City of New Bedford’s all interested community members to review the Fiscal Year 2020 Community Preservation Act (CPA) applications before the Community Preservation Committee and offer feedback at three community meetings in January.

The application process began in September with Step 1: Eligibility Determination. Eligible applicants were invited to submit Step 2: Project Applications in November. Twenty-one applications seeking more than $3.1 million in CPA funding were received by the deadline. For Fiscal Year 2020, the CPA fund has more than $1.1 million available for eligible projects. The Community Preservation Committee is reviewing the applications and will be conducting the public hearings in order for the applicants to present their projects to the Committee as well as to allow the community to comment in a public setting. Once the Committee has completed its review, the committee will forward its recommendations to the City Council for approval.

All three meetings will be held at the Main Library in the third-floor meeting room at 6:00 p.m. The following project applicants will be heard at the respective meeting dates:

The Community Preservation Act was adopted by New Bedford voters through a ballot question in November 2014. This statewide enabling legislation allows communities to create dedicated funding for: Open Space, Outdoor Recreational Facilities, Historic Preservation, and Affordable Housing activities in the city. Oversight of this process rests with the Community Preservation Committee (CPC), the body established by the City to oversee the CPA program in New Bedford.

Since Fiscal Year 2018, the CPC has recommended, and the City Council has approved, nearly $4.2 million in CPA funding to thirty-four eligible projects which have preserved historic resources and open space; created community housing opportunities; and both improved and created recreational facilities throughout the city.

For further information and to read the applications, please visit CPC webpage on the city website at:, or call the CPA Coordinator at 508.979.1488 or email

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