New Bedford police investigating two more suspicious fires overnight


New Bedford police report two more suspicious fires in New Bedford overnight. The fires were just a few blocks from each other and about seven hours apart.

The first suspected arson at 149 Myrtle Street at 8:22pm on Wednesday, October 11. The second suspected arson case was at 245 State Street at 3:19am on Thursday, October 12. No injuries were reported or arrests made.

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These fires follow a string of arson cases throughout New Bedford this summer and fall. We wrote about the possibility of a serial arsonists this summer after at least seven fires appeared to be suspicious.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. I wish someone would make an arson map, i made a stabbing, shooting and homicide map and it don’t look good, plus you can see the areas it’s concentrated in. We’ve had and arson problem for a long time, even the FBI statistics admit New Bedford has and unusually high arson rate, sometimes the highest in New England. Especially within the last two years, it started with all the car fires then it went to triple deckers, and cars here and there, what’s next the whole neighborhood! Would like to see an arson map though to see where it’s concentrated.

  2. I wish someone would make an arson map, i made a stabbing, shooting and homicide map and it don’t look good, plus you can see the areas it’s concentrated in. We’ve had and arson problem for a long time, even the FBI statistics admit New Bedford has and unusually high arson rate, sometimes the highest in New England. Especially within the last two years, it started with all the car fires then it went to triple deckers, and cars here and there, what’s next the whole neighborhood! Would like to see an arson map though to see where it’s concentrated.

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