New Bedford Police Department photo.

New Bedford Police Department recognizes Capt. Belong as example of care and compassion


“Captin Belong from the north end station came to my home with a crisis counselor to assist with my daughter. Captain Belong was more compassionate and patient with my daughter than I could ever have hoped for.

I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for the kindness and support he showed us both…”-Name withheld.


“Station 3 Commander, Captain Derek Belong, set an example of care and compassion during a recent encounter with a youth in crisis. He is a leader embracing one of the many roles that police officers are often called upon to take in today’s world.

Captain Belong’s compassion and empathy in taking the time to speak to a child in emotional crisis is exemplary. His willingness to listen and offer support in such a crucial moment demonstrates his character.

By recognizing the child’s distress and extending a comforting hand, Captian Belong exemplified the qualities of a true leader and caretaker.

Thank you, Captain Belong, for your extraordinary compassion and for making a profound diffeence in the life of a child at a time when it was needed most.”- New Bedford Police Department.

New Bedford Police Department photo.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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