New Bedford Moon Astrology: May, 2014

The First Quarter Moon indicates a period of facing problems in innovative ways, tasking us to make decisions very quickly…

The Moon is intimately involved with water and the ebb and flow of ocean tides. Unlike the Sun, which resides in a particular sign for about a month, the Moon is connected to powerful feminine qualities and travels quickly from one sign to the next. Like the sailors of old who sang to her beauty and heeded her intuition, Moon energies are enhanced and experienced on a deeper level for New Bedford, MA residents.

The First Quarter Moon indicates a period of facing problems in innovative ways, tasking us to make decisions very quickly. This is an energizing time that may feel a little chaotic. On May 6, the First Quarter Moon will visit the sign of Leo, which will highlight creativity, self-expression, and risk-taking. If you feel frustrated by responsibilities, remember that habits, patterns, and structures can always be recreated to meet new circumstances and to form new connections. Start fresh from a place of clarity and a space free from boundaries with a good Spring cleaning! To fuel your creative interests, don’t forget to attend the monthly cultural AHA! festival in downtown New Bedford on Thursday, May 8!

Full Moon energies represent a brief period of illumination, satisfaction, and completion, and on May 14, the Moon will become full in the dynamic sign of Scorpio. Focus will shift toward intimacy, psychological frameworks, and the examination of self. If things have been going smoothly in your life, you are likely to have exotic or mysteriously beautiful experiences during this time. On the other hand, if things have been difficult for you recently, you may find the reasons why your circumstances are less than what you desire.

The Last Quarter Moon calls for review, correction, and solidification. It asks us to get rid of elements that aren’t working in our lives so that we can focus on the aspects that are going well and as planned. On May 21, the Last Quarter Moon will visit the ethereal sign of Pisces. While Pisces tends to bring out spiritual and delusional energies, these will be tempered by practical concerns and values. This is an excellent time to transfer idealism into reality by getting active with an important community project: find plenty of things to get involved with here at the New Bedford Guide!

As for the New Moon, we’re not talking about the Twilight Series, but growth and basic instincts are definitely involved on May 28 when the New Moon arrives in the communicative sign of Gemini. This is an excellent time for socializing, reading, and writing. Keep in mind, however, that people are not here just for your amusement or verbal play. Bottom line: enjoy yourself, but don’t white-lie, manipulate, or make commitments based on what you experience in the short term.

It’s often best not to initiate new activities, purchases, projects, or big life events when the Moon is void of course (not making contact with other planets). The Moon will be void of course during the following days: May 2, 4, 13, 18, 22, 24, and 26.

About socioseer

Jennifer Hollie Bowles lives in New Bedford. Her poetry, fiction, and non-fiction has been widely published in varied venues.

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