New Bedford Monthly Horoscopes: May, 2014

What do the stars hold in store for you?

Enjoy the cosmic and urban vibes of a thriving city filled with cultural, environmental, and historic beauty! More than just a horoscope column, each Sun sign includes special attention to New Bedford living.

Aries: Mars, the planet of direct action and cosmic guide of Rams, is visiting the harmonizing sign of Libra this month, which will put focus on your personal relationships. If things heat up, remember not to force your ideas or ego drives onto others. ~If you’re looking for something to do that’s a little wild yet totally local, try indoor or outdoor sky diving in New Bedford! *Romantic passions must be balanced by honesty, acceptance, and trust.

Taurus: Happy Birthday Rams! Enjoy the Sun’s illumination! This is a time of high motivation and big plans! Learn new things about yourself, focus on personal goals, and have as much fun as you want! ~If you want awesome cake to go with your Birthday celebrations, tell friends and family to go with a local favorite: Cakes by Lucy. *Every moment we experience is like a mirror, reflecting both past and future moments in its cosmic space.

Gemini: Mercury, the planet of communication and guide of Twins, is visiting the earthy sign of Taurus this month. As your material interests increase, be mindful of what you think you “possess”—and what you truly value. ~Consider attending one of the classes offered at the Serlingpa Meditation Center in New Bedford. *Communication has a way of revealing complex colors of being: as one color shares the hue of another, all become inspired.

Cancer: The Moon and planetary guide of the Crab sign visits you May 3-5. Take care to align your intentions with your actions, and be prepared for a shift in focus toward duties and responsibilities. ~Also consider enjoying the beauty of the Full Moon on May 14 with a harbor-front dining experience at the Waterfront Grille. *Possibilities are endless and always within reach: possibility turns into reality when we grasp it firmly without squeezing too tightly.

Leo: The Sun and guiding planet of Leo will make difficult aspect with Saturn, the planet of restriction. This energy demands hard work, diligence, and patience. If difficulties arise, keep cool and push through. ~Local Lion Sign History: Norman Wexler, the screenwriter of Saturday Night Fever, was born in New Bedford on August 6, 1926. *The feeling of want begins in the perspective of individual ego: the higher self emerges when we create the perspective anew.

Virgo: Mercury, the planet of communication and cosmic guide of Virgins, makes difficult aspect with Neptune—the planet of spirituality and illusions. This energy has a way of confusing your thinking and creating strange misconceptions. ~Be very careful how you present yourself to others, and consider taking a trip to the New Bedford Art Museum to divert your attention to higher ideals. *To accept fulfillment, the openings of self must contain yet never close.

Libra: Venus is the cosmic guide of your sign. As she visits the bold sign of Aries this month, you will likely express yourself more creatively and pay more attention to your appearance. In turn, others will take better notice of your attractive, dynamic traits! ~Local Scale Sign History: Benjamin Russell, the famous watercolor painter of whaling ships, was born in New Bedford on October 16, 1804. *Creating life purpose involves belief in self; achieving life purpose involves security of those beliefs.

Scorpio: Saturn, the planet of restriction, has been visiting Scorpions since October 2012, challenging you to tighten the inner workings of your mind. Take time to release from the negatives of your past this month, and be honest with others. ~There are over ten food pantries in New Bedford: volunteering helps gain better perspective on life! *What others think about you that they do not share is of no value: insecurity creeps, while expression tangos.

Sagittarius: Jupiter, the planet of growth and cosmic guide of Archers, enjoys positive aspect with the little healing planet of Chiron this month, making it easier for you to initiate important life changes. This is a time of psychological understanding and self-expansion! ~Consider traveling, studying something new, and exploring your metaphysical vibes at the Crystal Expectations shop in New Bedford. *Future plans are only as effective as your ability to follow through in the NOW.

Capricorn: Pluto, the planet of powerful, deep, long-term change, has been visiting the Goat sign for many months. Your professional and public interests represent the keys to making the most out of this demanding yet very important transit. ~Consider expanding your horizons at the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center in New Bedford, which has a number of great events to choose from this May. *How to balance freedom and responsibility: temperance.

Aquarius: Uranus, the planet of sudden change and cosmic guide of Aquarius, will conjunct Venus this month. Unexpected romantic encounters are likely, but don’t let your desire for these experiences strain your current relationships—or drain your resources. ~Local Water Pitcher Sign History: Robert Crossman Ingraham, New Bedford’s first librarian, was born on February 11, 1827. *The inner fire within holds many flames, each one dancing as it greets the element of air.

Pisces: The Sun will make positive aspect with Neptune, the mystical planet and cosmic guide of the Fish sign. This energy has a way of enhancing your inner drives and motivations: think and act boldly, and let your imagination surrender to new experiences. ~Connect with the emotional currents of water and enjoy the warm sunshine by visiting the beautiful New Bedford coastlines as often as possible! *Acceptance is an accomplishment in itself.

About socioseer

Jennifer Hollie Bowles lives in New Bedford. Her poetry, fiction, and non-fiction has been widely published in varied venues.

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