Elephants at the Buttonwood Park Zoo - photo by Michael Silvia

New Bedford Guide’s Top 10 Stories of the Week

Elephants at the Buttonwood Park Zoo - photo by Michael Silvia
Elephants at the Buttonwood Park Zoo – photo by Michael Silvia

Here are New Bedford Guide’s top stories this week from our website or Facebook page. Click on the bold title to read the original story.

  1. New Bedford High School Teen Charged with Assault on Teacher – The top story of the week was 18-year old New Bedford High School student Kemar Roselus losing his cool, throwing a chair and eventually being charged by police. The sad part is the teacher Joanne Muara has decided to quit her job as a teacher at the end of the year. Kemar was eventually expelled from NBHS on Friday. Facebook discussion here and here. Original video here.
  2. New Bedford Flood – On March 30th, New Bedford experienced some MAJOR flooding. Route 18 and several other major roads were flooded. Users submitted dozens of amazing photos here. This video gives you an idea of the flooding.
  3. Beckham Plans New Bedford Soccer Stadium – Our April Fool’s Day hoax was that David Beckham planned to build a soccer stadium in New Bedford. The women of New Bedford rejoiced and then turned into an angry mob once they found at that David Beckham wasn’t going to run around New Bedford without a shirt.
  4. New Bedford Guide’s Best Portuguese Restaurants – A discussion that may have ended friendships! New Bedford Guide readers voted on their favorite local Portuguese restaurants. 27 restaurants got at least two votes with Antonio’s finishing at the top spot.
  5. Several Cars Placed on Milk Crates and Tires Stolen – Several cars this week had their tires stolen and seems to be a growing trend. Photos here and here and here.
  6. Local woman’s story of family hardship and addiction – Addiction has become a major problem in the south coast, MA area as this year Bristol County finished in the top spot for drug overdoses. Jane Doe shared her personal story how she lost her kids to a man with addiction.
  7. 2014 Whaling City Festival is a GO! – For weeks now the Whaling City Festival has been in the news. The organizers decided not to organize the festival this year due the 8 p.m. closing time. City Councilors and Mayor Jon Mitchell acted quickly and the Park Board this week unanimously voted to give the organizers a 9 p.m. closing time with stipulations on a trial basis.
  8. Doing What’s Right For Our Elephants – Keith Lovett, the Director of Buttonwood Park Zoo, submitted an article providing an official stance on the elephant situation at the Zoo.
  9. New Bedford’s Shawmut Diner to Close on March 31st, 2014 – After more than 30 years in business, the Paleologos family finally closed down the diner on March 31st, 2014. They sold the location to Cumberland Farms. Photos of the last day at the diner here.
  10. Bill Murray Gets Dave Letterman to Mention New Bedford – He got Dave to say, “Special hello to Kevin, Rudy and Frank at Maaco in New Bedford.” Then Bill replied, “Thanks, they’re not going to charge me for the primer.” Apparently, he visits New Bedford from time to time from Martha’s Vineyard.  Video and chat here.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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