New Bedford City Councilor Hugh Dunn tests positive for COVID-19


Ward 3 City Councilor Hugh Dunn confirmed on his Facebook page that he has tested positive for COVID-19.

“I am one of nearly six million Americans who has tested positive for COVID-19.
I am lucky to be able to say that I am currently recovering comfortably at home and hope to test negative soon. Because I have been practicing social distance, to the best of my abilities, I am aware of who I have been in contact with and have notified those impacted and have also determined when I contracted the virus. All those who I have contacted have, thankfully, tested negative. A full recovery is my top priority at this time, and I plan on continuing to recuperate in isolation until my doctor gives me the go-ahead to return to my daily life. I do not anticipate that my condition will prevent me from continuing to represent the voters of Ward 3, and I look forward to attending the next meeting remotely. I encourage you to join me in taking the test, even if asymptomatic, by visiting a Stop the Spread testing site:”

His announcement came just 30 minutes before he attended via Zoom the FY2021 budget cut session Monday evening. He had missed seven previous city council meetings leading up to the budget cut meeting.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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