Two Men Rob, Stab Cab Driver in New Bedford



On Thursday evening at approximately 9 p.m. a 46 yr. old male cab driver was the victim of a robbery and a stabbing.

The victim was driving south on Mitchell St. from Sawyer St. when two males crossed in front of his cab and yelled at him to slow down. The driver stopped his cab and the two males approached him pulling him out of the taxi. One of the suspects stabbed him in the right thigh with an unknown object and they went through his pockets and took an undisclosed amount of cash. They were both seen running in a northerly direction towards Sawyer St. A search of the area did not turn up any suspects.

The cab driver was taken by ambulance to St. Luke’s Hospital where he was treated and released. Any one with information is asked to contact detectives at 508-991-6300 ext. 320.


#1 Black male in his 20’s
Wearing jeans, dark hooded sweatshirt, white Nike sneakers, approx. 5-10.

#2 Hispanic male in his 20’s
Wearing jeans, gray and white hooded sweatshirt, approx. 5-7 and of husky build.

Source: New Bedford Police Department.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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