Mayor’s Learn and Serve Program Participants Will Present Completed Summer Projects


2013 Mayor’s Learn and Serve Summer Youth Program
Mayor Mitchell Learn and Serve Program to present completed projects

Teams of students who participated in the 2013 Mayors Learn and Serve Summer Youth Program will present their completed summer projects to the public on Monday, August 26th at 5:30 p.m. at the New Bedford Art Museum.

The Mayor’s Learn and Serve Program is a summer project-based learning and community service program for 14-15-year old New Bedford residents. The program engaged five teams of approximately ten teens in meaningful, real-world projects that build basic work skills such as teamwork and collaboration, task management, goal-setting, and responsibility; encourage leadership development; allow for deep engagement in a particular content area; and foster an ethic of civic engagement and community service.

One group of students studied marine biology and created a large ceramic fish mural and other groups participated in programs to promote healthy living and eating. Another group developed a marketing and tourism campaign geared at families with kids who visit New Bedford.

The program allowed the teens to explore a diverse array of skills such as visual art, science, basic research, marketing, design, program development, and subject areas such as fishing, farming and food, healthy lifestyles and environments, tourism, downtown, and more. Youth who successfully complete the summer program will receive a $300 stipend.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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