Mayor Mitchell’s statement on KG Urban casino decision


“KG Urban’s decision to abandon the Cannon Street project is an extreme disappointment and a great shock given that its CEO Barry Gosin had led everyone to believe he would have the necessary funds to build the project. (see Barry Gosin MGCC Letter 5-4-15)

City leadership and the people of New Bedford relied on these assurances in casting their enthusiastic support for the project. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission likewise relied on these representations in allowing the project to proceed through the application process.

We have been united as a community and have done everything possible to support the KG casino proposal based on Mr. Gosin’s commitment to fully fund the project, so city residents and its leadership are all understandably upset by Mr. Gosin’s decision. ” – Mayor Jon Mitchell

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. Having seen the bullet holes and bondage holes in the headboards of Atlantic City hotel beds, I will NEVER miss having a casino in my community! Good riddance; we are luckier than many of us know.

    • Bondage holes and bullet holes are what scared you off lol jeez thts close minded because I’m sure the hotels we have are a lot better with burn holes due to people nodding off and random needles. And bullet holes I guess people have better aim around here maybe people becoming degenerate gamblers would be a better argument but ohh wait we live in one of the highest gambling rate states outside of Las Vegas so again we lose vital tax dollars and tourism and Connecticut doesn’t look like it’s doin so bad with there casino but thts just my opinion

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