Newhouse Wildlife Rescue photo.

Massachusetts Wildlife Rescue Center: “The REAL reason you should not feed that baby animal”


“It’s not because we want to hog all the fun for ourselves, I promise. It’s because wild orphans aren’t typically healthy enough to digest food when they are found.

Many are hypothermic. The body can’t even handle water when its temperature is too low. All energy is going to crucial body functions in that state. If the body has to divert energy to digesting, it will likely be fatal.

Many are very dehydrated. Animals can’t digest properly when they are dehydrated. The body pulls water into the intestines to aid with digestion. If there isn’t any water to pull from, this could cause a domino affect of problems.

All wild baby animals require a specific diet and sometimes that diet isn’t available in local stores. Feeding the wrong milk could cause an upset stomach or worse.

All wild animals need specific amounts of formula calculated by their body weight. The percentage differs depending on the species.

Not every animal can drink from a bottle. The correct instrument must be used to prevent aspiration and over-feeding.

Bring me a thin, dehydrated, hypothermic animal and I can probably save it. Feed that same animal before you bring it to me…there’s nothing I can do to bring it back.

So please, don’t feed any wild orphans that you have found. Keeping them warm is a huge help until you find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.”-Newhouse Wildlife Rescue.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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