Massachusetts taxpayers foot cost of $64/day per migrant, crisis to cost $1 billion in 2024


Recent revelations about the cost of housing migrants in Massachusetts have sparked controversy and become a focal point in the state’s political landscape, with implications for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. A recent investigation by CBS News has uncovered that Massachusetts is spending an average of $64 a day to house migrants, with vendors charging exorbitant rates for meals.

According to the CBS News report, vendors are charging $16 for breakfast, $17 for lunch, and $31 for dinner per day for each migrant they feed. The total cost to Massachusetts taxpayers for migrant housing this year is expected to be around $1 billion, a staggering figure that has raised eyebrows and ignited debate.

The controversy over high costs of migrant housing has been compounded by Governor Maura Healey’s decision to close down a recreational center in Roxbury, MA, to house migrants. This move has sparked outrage among residents and community leaders, who argue that the closure has deprived the local community of vital services.

Governor Healey has been urging residents to house migrants for months, and now some are beginning to do so, sparking significant controversy. This grassroots effort has been highly criticized across the United States, but a few residents have begun opening up their homes to provide shelter to migrants in need.

The issue of migrant housing and the associated costs is expected to be a major topic in the 2024 presidential election, with candidates likely to weigh in on how best to address the challenges facing Massachusetts and other states grappling with similar issues. As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: the cost of housing migrants is not just a financial burden but also a deeply divisive and contentious issue that will shape the political landscape for years to come.

About Steven Richard

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  1. OMG, I don:t even pay those amounts for myself. Ridiculous.

  2. By the end of 2024, the cost of housing Illegal Immagrants will be a staggering $3 Bil. The Illeagals get Much Much more than many US citizens, elderly people on social security, Veterans, many others who are struggling with college debt, US families with only one Income per household. I know several people who are struggling each month as well as a homeless veteran who is trying to gain full employment

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