Rep Bill Straus photo.

Massachusetts Rep. Bill Straus updates status of New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge replacement



I’ve had some requests for an update on where things stand on the engineering and design process for replacement bridge options for the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge since the kick off public hearings last fall. So here are a few of the things going on as the work continues by MassDOT and their special bridge consultant Modjeski and Masters.

• Underwater, topographic and photogrammetric survey was completed of the area in mid-November.
• Combined base mapping was prepared and delivered to M&M in mid-December.
• Preliminary traffic and intersection counts have been performed.
• Two rounds of telephone outreach to identified stakeholders have been done to solicit input for the Navigation Impact Report (NIR).
• M&M submitted a Draft Navigation Impact Report on 2/2/23 to MassDOT for review.
• A certified mail outreach is being prepared to gather additional input to the NIR prior to any submission to the US Coast Guard.
• Geotechnical investigations are scheduled for the harbor area of the bridge for early spring 2023.
• M&M has prepared baseline replacement alternative drawings and costs estimates for inclusion in the ‘bridge type study’ worksheets and these are undergoing internal review.

Further public sessions are required and I will make sure they occur as this phase continues. If you feel your input could help at this stage please let me know and I will be in touch with MassDOT.”-Rep Bill Straus.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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