Dedham Police Department photo.

Massachusetts Police: ‘Follow an “If you care, leave it there.” policy when finding baby animals’


“This sweet fawn was found waiting for her mother – who sadly never returned for her. She is just one day old.

While based on the circumstances surrounding this particular fawn, she was truly orphaned, however, this case serves as a good opportunity to remind folks that more often than not, young wildlife should remain where it is found. Wildlife officials say, “If you care, leave it there”.

Well-meaning people often unknowingly separate babies from their mothers, and/or put a young animal’s health in danger when intervening in a wild animal’s natural process of being reared and growing up.

Dedham Police Department photo.

For these reasons, wildlife officials are adamant that humans should stay clear of young wildlife (actually all wildlife in general).

Of course, in cases of true abandonment or orphaned situations such as it was for this little fawn, calls to Animal Control is the recommended course of action, so that he/she may make the appropriate decision, in the best interest of the animal.

Wildlife officials also stress the importance of never feeding wildlife, as it can lead to irreversible harm. Young wildlife cared for by humans often end up attached to those humans with little fear. This can lead to animals wandering into populated areas, an increased risk of encounters with domestic pets, and being hit by cars. Feeding animals may also make them less conscientious of predators which can cost them their lives.

This little orphaned fawn is now in the hands of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, after Animal Control personally handed her off to one of the organization’s top Deer Biologists.

The Biologist states that the fawn will head straight into a rehabilitation center this afternoon, and that while she may not ultimately make her way back here to Dedham to live, her chances of a healthy and natural life, are ‘excellent’!” -Dedham Police Department.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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