IFAW photo.

Massachusetts officials: “Largest mass stranding event in our history” as 125 dolphins stranded in Wellfleet


“⚠️ Our valiant marine mammal rescue team is in the midst of what may be the largest single mass stranding event in our response history.

125 Atlantic white-sided dolphins stranded this morning in Wellfleet in an area called the Herring River Gut – the epicenter of our mass strandings.

At least 25 IFAW staff and 100 volunteers are on scene attempting to use three small vessels and underwater pingers (noise) to herd the dolphins back out to deeper waters. They used the rising tide to refloat the animals, and now the tide is in their favor as they work with partner organizations and volunteers to herd the animals out of the estuary and into deeper waters offshore.

There is no set reason for why these dolphins strand. Cape Cod is a global stranding hotspot due to the curvature of our shores and the fluctuation of our tides.”-IFAW.

>IFAW photo.

>IFAW photo.

>IFAW photo.

>IFAW photo.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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