Massachusetts State Police and K9 “Caber” find missing teenage girls


“At approximately 1:45 a.m. Saturday Trooper Matt Baird of the Massachusetts State Police K9 Unit learned that Palmer Police were searching for two girls, ages 13 and 14, who had been missing since 11 p.m.

Trooper Baird responded to the area with his partner Caber, and after obtaining an object with the girls’ scent on it, deployed the dog behind the family’s house. The search area had been heavily crossed over by family members searching for the girls, which would make the track more difficult for a dog.

Caber pulled around the house to the street, working northward. After getting no results Trooper Baird and Caber turned and worked back on the street in a southward direction. After passing the family Caber assumed a tracking posture and began pulling up the street. Soon, Caber pulled across street to a small cliff. A possum ran out in front of the dog; Caber ignored the possum and continued tracking onto a trail.

Trooper Baird and Caber continued to track onto a second trail, and the dog began to show increased intensity. Caber pulled through thick mountain laurel and displayed a proximity alert. A few feet later Trooper Baird saw the two girls just ahead, crouched beside a tree. The searchers walked the girls out of the woods and returned them to their home.”

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