Man recounts the 911 call that saved two women and their puppies


The following is Patrick Moore’s account during a recent fire in New Bedford. His 4am 9-1-1 call likely saved all of the occupants of the house to include two women and their puppies.

“As I was leaving for work at 4am today I noticed a bright light a few houses from me. It turns out a house was on fire.

Nobody else was around so I called 911 and started banging on the front door. I heard dogs barking. I wasn’t sure if they were inside the house or if the noise was coming from a nearby neighbor’s house. Running around the house, I banged on every window. Still, nobody came out.

The first police officer arrived, and after a few attempts, he kicked a hole in the front door. We both assumed nobody was home at that point. Within minutes several fire engines showed up along with a few more police officers. The firemen attached their hoses to a nearby hydrant, and I walked away since I had to leave for work.

I grabbed my coffee and my wallet from my apartment and decided to walk toward the burning house one more time to have another look. Standing outside in their pajamas were two women. One was in her early twenties and the other was much older. The younger woman was holding two puppies. Both women were very upset. The puppies seemed unfazed. I realized that they had all been in the house while I was knocking. I’m not sure how they slept through all the commotion. It wasn’t until the firefighters entered that they realized what was going on.

The whole experience was surreal. I’m glad I was up at 4am. If I hadn’t called 911 when I did things probably would have turned out much worse. Two people and their pets may have lost their home today, but they’re alive and uninjured. Always count your blessings, test your smoke detectors, and hug your puppies.” – Patrick Moore

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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