Cam Langlois photo.

Local entrepreneurs building clothing “Megalocation” in Fairhaven with over 1,000 sneakers in stock


Cameron Langlois and Jon Silva are betting on themselves and expanding their clothing stores to a “Mega location” in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Cameron, who is the owner of “The 508 Sneaker store”, and co-owner of “508 PSC” gym and “508 Streetwear” made the announcement on social media.

“WE’RE MOVING, GET EXCITED WE’RE GROWING EVEN BIGGER! Over 1000 sneakers, over 1000 essentials/bape/supreme/gallery dept/ hype clothing items, one super location side by side with thousands of square feet, our own parking lot, billboard and more. We are proud to announce the 508 mega location @the508sneakerstore @508streetwearstore coming very early 2024. Now the amazing inventory of both stores in one convenient location on route 6 fairhaven. Coming very early 2024 ?.”

Jon Silva also posted a statement on social media,

“Super excited for this move, I want to thank everyone for the support thus far. This is going to be huge for our community & culture. And I can’t do it along side a better guy Cameron Langlois it’s our time? #blessed”.

We recently spoke with co-owners Cameron Langlois and Jarrid Antil inside of their new gym “508 PSC” at the Kilburn Mill in New Bedford. Watch below!

About Steven Richard

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  1. You would think opening a clothing store they could be dressed better! ?

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