Krav Maga South Coast: New Season; New Problems


With safety and security in mind, spring presents a different set of challenges.

by David Eaton

It’s been the winter to test even the saltiest of New Englanders. We’re supposed to be used to the cold weather, the snow and the icy roads. We’re not supposed to complain about the cold because, well, it gets cold here every year! I think this winter is one that we should be allowed to complain about. You know it’s been a rough winter when the first day in March over 32 degrees people have their sunroofs open and are breaking out the shorts. Spring is a time to put the snow shovels away and break out the rakes. It’s a time when we can finally get out of our homes without having to wear four layers just to survive!

With safety and security in mind, spring presents a different set of challenges. With the increase in temperatures comes an increase of crime. Violent crime rates are higher during warmer weather months than in colder weather months. There are several schools of thought as to why this occurs.

Some scholars believe that the increase in crime is attributed to the increase in opportunity. During the winter months we tend to stay home more and interact in public less, thus creating fewer opportunities for crimes to occur. Some scholars believe that the increase in crime during the warmer months is attributed to juveniles not being in school.

Since most crimes are committed by high school and college age individuals, being off during the summer gives them more opportunities to commit crimes. Although the counter argument to this is that most individuals that take their studies seriously would be less likely to be committing crimes anyway. It may just come down to the basic fact that even criminals stay inside when it’s cold, thus less crime in the winter.

With the change in temperatures comes a different set of safety concerns. Here are a few tips to think about when the mercury rises:

    1. Securing our home during the warmer weather months. With spring upon us there are two things that are guaranteed. One is that the weather (hopefully) is getting warmer. The second is Spring cleaning! I have broken tree limbs strewn about my yard; my bushes need to be trimmed; and the lawn is ready for its first feeding of the year.

    I don’t even want to think about the list I have to clean the interior of my house! Spring is the only time that I actually enjoy yard work because it means the end of winter. With the warmer weather comes the increased vulnerability of our homes. We leave our windows open to allow the fresh air in and our doors unlocked while we are in the back doing yard work. We can be so caught up in knocking off items on our “honey do” list that we let our guard down when it comes to personal safety. 

    It was just last summer that a New Bedford woman was arrested for walking into a North End home and taking a laptop computer while its owners were in the backyard. Always remember to lock your doors, even if you’re only in the backyard. Keep a set of keys on you, or an extra pair hidden in your yard, in case you forget to bring a set with you.

    2. Outdoor activities. The weather has started to get warmer and we tend to want to spend more time outside. There is nothing better than a relaxing walk in one of the city’s many parks after work. Maybe you’ve decided to add walking, jogging, running, hiking, etc., to your fitness regimen. Any kind of physical activity is a good idea, as long as you keep yourself safe. If you’re walking, jogging, or running, try to head out with a partner and bring your cell phone.

    Secure your home during the warmer months!

    If you are out by yourself, don’t run/jog/walk in dimly lit areas. If you have a dog, bring him/her with you. You have protection and you’re providing exercise to your pet during some quality bonding time. Plus, there’s no better ice breaker with that cute girl/ guy than a dog!

    3. Campus visits. It’s that time of year when college bound students are visiting potential college destinations. There’s nothing more exciting than visiting the school you’ve been dreaming about attending. Many campus visits entail staying overnight at the school with a current student.

    When I attended Westfield State University, I played on the football team and I remember interested players staying overnight with players on the team. The goal was to show them a good time and convince them that Westfield State was the school they should attend. It can be an amazing experience, but unfortunately campuses are not 100% safe. Younger students can be naïve and willing to put themselves in compromising situations just to impress the older students.For many, this is their first time away from home and their first real taste of freedom.

    Unfortunately, this may also be the first time they don’t have family and friends to look out for their best intentions and assist them in making the right decisions. Alcohol is a major contributor to physical and sexual assaults, as well as a contributor to making overall bad choices. If you have a friend and/or family member visiting campuses, remind them to make the right decisions and not be afraid to avoid uncomfortable situations. Let them know that they can call you regardless of the time if they need to talk.

    4. Increased social interactions. We’ve just spent the past few months in hibernation due to the arctic conditions and we can’t wait to finally get out and socialize. Whether it’s going to the local park to play basketball or hang out, going to the car wash, or getting out to parties, increased interaction means greater risk of a violent encounter. The golden rule is just to be aware of your surroundings. Get out; have fun; but be aware of the people around you.

Krav Maga South Coast has recently expanded their curriculum to include additional regular as well as kid’s classes. In addition, they have added a Women’s Only class.

Krav Maga New Bedford
675 Orchard Street Second Floor
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Phone: (508) 259-1592

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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One comment

  1. Climate change will also be leading to more crime. The Journal of Economics and Management predicts that “between 2010 and 2099, climate change can be expected to cause an additional 22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft.”

    Read more at,0,2765136.story#axzz2tjjZGy7u

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