huntington disease society of america's hoopathon
A group photo from last year's hoopathon.

Huntington’s Disease Hoop-a-Thon


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By Adam DiOrio

It was at some point during my Little League years that I noticed the mother of my friend, Jeremy Peck, was attending the games less frequently.  In a small town it is easy to notice the comings and goings of everybody, and Rochester was no different.  Other parents sporadically attended games, but for reasons like they had to work late, or they liked to drink, or maybe they just weren’t around at all anymore.  Jeremy’s case was different.  I didn’t know it at the time, but fast forward to high school when the truth of the absence of his mother became clear.  She was sick with a disease, one that I still have trouble comprehending to this day.

Huntington’s Disease (HD) is:

“…a devastating, hereditary, degenerative brain disorder for which there is, at present, no cure. HD slowly diminishes the affected individual’s ability to walk, talk and reason. Eventually, the person with HD becomes totally dependent upon others for his or her care. Huntington’s Disease profoundly affects the lives of entire families — emotionally, socially and economically.

Early symptoms of Huntington’s Disease may affect cognitive ability or mobility. As the disease progresses, concentration and short-term memory diminish and involuntary movements of the head, trunk and limbs increase. Walking, speaking and swallowing abilities deteriorate. Eventually the person is unable to care for him or herself.

HD typically begins in mid-life, between the ages of 30 and 50, though onset may occur as early as the age of 2. Children who develop the juvenile form of the disease rarely live to adulthood.

HD affects males and females equally and crosses all ethnic and racial boundaries. Each child of a person with HD has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the fatal gene. Everyone who carries the gene will develop the disease. In 1993, the HD gene was isolated and a direct genetic test developed which can accurately determine whether a person carries the HD gene. The test cannot predict when symptoms will begin. However, in the absence of a cure, some individuals ‘at risk’ elect not to take the test.”

The effect HD has on the family cannot be understated.  Each year Jeremy participates in the Huntingon Disease Society of America’s Hoop-a-Thon, to help raise money in order to study, and hopefully discover, a cure for this disease.  This year’s event takes place in Lexington, MA, but donations can come from anywhere.  Please consider giving to this cause: with no cure or treatment currently available, Huntington’s is a disease that influences not just the person who has it, but their family members, present and future.

March 26, 2011, 9 A.M.-4 P.M.
Lexington High School

Lexington, Massachusetts
Has something for all ages and athletic abilities so help us shoot for a cure!

9:00 AM – 12 NOON:  3 on 3 Tournament

This year we have added a NEW 3 on 3 Tournament

The winning team receives a trophy, Blue Man Group tickets, and sportswear.

In our 3 on 3 tournament shoot for a cure in teams of 3 or 4!

  • v Select your team of 3 (optional, each team may have 4 players/subs allowed)
  • v Must be 18 years old to participate
  • v The tournament will be limited to the first 16 teams to sign up.
  • v Single elimination tournament, the finalists will play four total games.
  • v E-mail your team name and team members (include the age of each team member) with the captain’s phone number and e-mail address to

For more details on this tournament download a 3 on 3 flyer from our website at

12 NOON – 4:00 PM:  Free Throw Contest

Simply register, get your family, friends, coworkers, teachers, ANYONE to pledge you and take as many Free Throw Shots as possible in 5 minutes.

huntington disease society of america's hoopathon
A group photo from last year's Hoop-a-Thon.

Sink the most baskets and win a weekend night stay in a king suite with a city view at the Liberty Hotel !!! Other prizes include Celtics Tickets Loge seats, an autographed copy of “When the Game was Ours” by author Jackie MacMullan, Personal Training sessions @ Accelerated Fitness in Lexington, Gift Cards to local merchants and so much more. Come out, register and raise pledges!

Go to or download info for our hoop at   Please note:  If you register and log out firstgiving will email a code for you to use when you log back in to set up your fundraising page.

Back by popular demand! Knockout games are back!!! There will be TWO, the first at 1:30 PM and the second at 3:00 PM.  You do not need to register for the knock out games. We will have great prizes for the winners, you won’t be disappointed! There is a $10 entry fee.

So what are you waiting for?  Come and enjoy music by DJ Paul Harvey, taste our yummy treats at our bake sale or try your luck at winning one of our incredible raffles: including a 50/50.

Sadly, Jeremy’s mother Pamela passed away on March 11th due to complications of Huntington’s Disease.  To support Jeremy’s fund raising efforts, please CLICK HERE to go directly to his donation page.

About AdmDiOrio8

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  1. I read through with interest. I once believed Huntington’s Disease HD has no cure. Well, it is true with English medicine, but not with herbal medicine. My Dad’s experience opened my eyes to the reality of a cure through herbs. My Father was a vibrant man before his encounter with Huntington’s Disease. He was a scientist, hence his mental capability was never in doubt. In 2015, he was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease. The symptoms manifested through repeating conversation and gradually forgetting things. It became progressive from finding the right words during a conversation, to significant confusion and abnormality walking. It was not a good experience, seeing your father whose brilliance had no match, totally became a shadow of himself. His doctors said the disease has no cure, just medications for treatment which had a lot of side effects were administered to him. Early 2018, while on the internet, I bumped into a story in HD, and I read about a cure through herbs with interest.. I researched more to be sure it was not a hoax.  In my quest, I contacted multivitamincare org herbs mentioned in the testimony. I got their herbal medicine for my father.. It’s been 3 years and he is perfectly okay and back to his laboratory work even at old age. For your loved ones with Huntington’s Disease HD, take them off English medicine and use multivitamincare org herbal treatment,im referring to anybody suffering from this  Huntington’s Disease HD condition and they have assurance about these treatments.

  2. I’m living proof that you can live comfortably with COPD. I have emphysema, but emphysema doesn’t have me. After years of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with a bronchodilator medication approach, I didn’t have much improvement till I started using World Rehabilitate Clinic Herbs Formula which has made a tremendous difference With a period of 2 months. They specialize in internal and pulmonary medicine, all my symptoms have declined completely, I feel normal again, but I have a few weeks left completing the treatment. I can now go about my daily activities. It’s also crucial to learn as much as you can about your diagnosis. Seek options visit ( worldrehabilitateclinic. com).  

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