Humane Society & Shelter SouthCoast will assist senior citizens in having pet food delivered to Dartmouth and New Bedford


“Attention Dartmouth Senior Citizens! If you are unable to get to the store to obtain food for your pet, please call the Humane Society at 508-995-6661 and we will make arrangements to deliver it to your door!

This program is a collaboration between Town of Dartmouth Animal Control and the Humane Society. The food was graciously donated by Stop and Shop and Dartmouth Towing supplied a flatbed truck and driver to pick up the donations from the warehouse and deliver them to the shelter for distribution!

If you are a senior citizen that resides in New Bedford, please reach out to your local animal control officer as this is a collaboration between the Humane Society, NBPD Animal Control, and the Coalition for Animals.

*If you would like to donate to this program reach out to any of the above organizations and they will direct you for further information.”

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