Holiday Wishes and Safety PSA from the New Bedford Police Department

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the New Bedford Police Department

The members of the Station One also as referred to as the downtown station and myself extend our best wishes for the upcoming holiday season to you and your families. The holiday season brings a variety of emotions and memories, mostly joyous in nature along with the stress of the holiday hustle and bustle. With all the additional holiday distractions, it easy to lose focus on potential safety and vulnerability factors, fostering an environment for thieves to thrive on these hectic distractions.

A few tips to be mindful of as we enter the Holiday Season.

  1. Remain cognitive of your environment. Look around before you exit your vehicle regardless whether you are at a store parking lot, returning home or arriving at your workplace.
  2. Walk to and from your vehicle with co-workers.
  3. Park your vehicle as close to the store as possible.
  4. Make an effort in timing your return to your vehicle from the store with other shoppers and avoid walking alone.
  5. Pocketbooks – leave them at home if possible. If not make sure you secure it with you at all times as you shop. Do not leave it in the shopping cart while you make selections from the store shelf or whenunloading your shopping cart at your vehicle.
  6. Secure your pocketbooks at work in location where you can lock it or is out of sight. Underneath your desk is NOT advisable.
  7. Do not carry large amounts of cash. Consider using your credit card or check book as an alternative.
  8. Do not leave your shopping bags in the backseat of your car. Lock your Christmas gifts up in the trunk as you continue shopping.
  9. Do not leave any valuables in your car (i.e. GPS, laptops, pocketbooks, wallets, loose change etc.)
  10. Hide some of your most valuable gifts at home and display the wrapped faux gifts under your tree.
  11. Be a good neighbor and take notice of what is going on. Be NOSEY.
  12. Call the police when you observe any suspicious behaviors.

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