Healthy Futures Farm CSA offers Affordable Weekly Produce – Space Limited!


Already eager to start consuming some fresh, seasonal, local produce? Maybe you’re excited for the local farm stands, or to visit the farmer’s markets? Have you ever considered purchasing a CSA?!

If you love fresh local fruits and veggies, a CSA is a tremendously affordable and fun way to eat seasonal, fresh produce for almost three full seasons. Even better, it’s convenient! CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In a nutshell, you purchase a “share” of a farm’s produce. For one flat price, you get to pick up an assortment of fresh produce every single week. This can include anything from farm fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, to watermelon, strawberries, swiss chard, lettuces, broccoli, eggplant, green beans, and even garlic.

There’s a common myth that local produce is expensive. In fact, many people think CSA’s are expensive. Sure, some can be… but if you do your research, you’ll often find many that are incredibly affordable.

Last year, we had a chance to sample a CSA all spring, summer, and autumn long from Healthy Futures Farm. You may even remember our spotlight on them last year. You can read their incredible story here.

Healthy Futures Farm offers one of the most affordable CSA’s around. A full share feeds a family of four and costs just $425, while a half share is only $225. This runs about 28 weeks! Do the math… If you go with the full share, this averages to about $15 per week, and the half share averages about $8 per week! But get this… when you see how much you’re actually picking up, you’ll be amazed at the quantity. Not only is it more than enough to last you the week, you’d spend three times the amount in the supermarket.

As the winter season closes, consider becoming a CSA member with Healthy Futures Farm. You’ll eat better and feel better. You’ll get your very own weekly share of fresh produce from their Westport Farm all spring, summer, and fall – from May through November!

In addition to its CSA program, Healthy Futures Farm offers various other benefits throughout the year. They set up shop at local farmer’s markets and are often willing to accommodate your location to make pickup available at a nearby market. They even host their own Farmer’s Market on site at their farm once a week featuring local crafters and natural food makers. We even heard some ‘buzz’ that they have bees and are working on their own honey! (Shh…!)

Just imagine… easy, fresh produce all year long. Imagine saving money on your grocery shopping! You can eat new foods each week that are in season, and you can even prepare and save your veggies for the winter months. You can eat fresh, all year-long.

Consider a CSA but act now to reserve yours! Space is limited. A full share is $425 and a half share is $225. Distributions will begin no later than the last week of May continuing through November. CSA members will be notified as soon as produce becomes available. All CSA members also receive one bar of homemade soap on the first distribution of each month. Email or call 508-558-5205.


Healthy Futures Farm
528 American Legion Highway
Westport, MA 02790


About Ashley Bendiksen

Proud Southcoast, seaside native; Advocate for women's empowerment, leadership and success with special interest and expertise in writing, social media, PR, and communications; Lover of books, life, and all things fabulous.

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