Former teacher discusses unfriendly environment at Keith Middle School


At last night’s New Bedford school committee meeting a former Keith Middle School teacher (2009-2015) talked about her resignation and the atmosphere at Keith Middle School. She stated that she left Keith Middle School because of the unsafe environment for teachers/students and because she was asked to lie to parents. Watch the video and let us know you thoughts!

Video by Carlos Pimentel Felix.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. I totally agree with what this teacher is saying, but it is not confined to Keith – It is happening at all the middle schools and extensively so at the High School. A member of my family who has been in this school system, was pushed down a flight of stairs by another student – when we were notified of the incident, we asked questions – we were told that they could tell us nothing other than that the incident had happened. No measures were taken to remove an obviously abusive student from the school and apparently, this was not an isolated incident. It continued into the High School, where fights in the halls were a daily occurrence and no corrective actions could be taken because of the new regulations regarding discipline of students. As a result, the student is no longer in the New Bedford school system. They moved our of the area so that their child could get a decent education, and where they are excelling now. When you have a major subject in a high school curriculum taught by a substitute who is not qualified to teach that subject, who benefits? Not the student by a long shot. All the students were passed for the year but what good is it – they have absolutely no knowledge of the subject matter. Until discipline is restored in the schools in this city, we are going to have a “graduating class” of uneducated, “entitled” children, where the desire for a real education lies with a relatively small percentage of that class.

  2. When a a class of 25 students has to put up with out of control/dangerous students, due to the lack of administrative support, it’s as if our future (our children are our future- right?) is being stolen. What? No place for these students? MAKE ONE! If this district had an alternative middle/high school with the capacity to “educate” this small percentage of disruptive, “behaviorally challenged” students, our schools and their all important test scores would go up. Imagine what it would do to NB property values, if we had a well structured, functional school system. We might actually entice tax payers to move back into this once powerful/historically significant city.

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