Fall River girl seeks public’s assistance in finding birth mother



Felicity Alves, a 15-year-old girl from Fall River, is seeking the public’s assistance in locating her birth mother. Her mother, Heather Marie Alves, was from the Fall River/New Bedford area. Felicity hasn’t seen her mother since she was about 3 years old. Felicity just lost her adoptive mom to cancer and it’s her mission to locate her birth mom.

If you know Heather Marie Alves please have her contact Fallriverrat@yahoo.com.

Details: Heather Marie Alves gave birth to Felicity Marie Alves on September 18th, 1998. She has two boys that are younger than Felicity named Tony and Louis. She is likely in her early 30s and may possibly have moved to New York.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. There is a heather m Alves in Bradenton, fl 36 years old
    Who also lived in Taunton, ma

  2. This is my niece. I have now been reunited with her eldest daughter. We seem to have located Heather and hope to begin correspondence soon! Thanks to all involved in spreading this information, 10 yrs of searching for her seems to have FINALLY come to a happy end. Thank you all very much!!

  3. An update piece on this would be cool…..

  4. It ended badly! My whole family, including Heather’s father, A.K.K my grandfather has broken my heart! My bio dad I found and he committed suicide! His mother, Audrey is weird, racist and mean! I fucking HATE my biological family and wish I NEVER WOULD HAVE FOUND THEM!

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