Fairhaven High School Students and Boston MedFlight reenactment May 15

Watch a dramatic reenactment of a fatal car crash for selected groups including Juniors and Seniors. (BostonMedFlight.org)

The Boston MedFlight SafeTeens Program, in cooperation with Fairhaven High school students, local police, firefighters/EMS providers, will create a dramatic reenactment of a fatal car crash for selected groups including Juniors and Seniors from Fairhaven High School, illustrating the severe consequences of risky behaviors behind the wheel. The event will take place the morning of May 15 at 8:30am. Do not be concerned if you happen to see or hear police and emergency response vehicles, including a Boston MedFlight helicopter and a hearse racing to the high school that morning. The crash will realistically simulate an actual response, with lights and sirens from first responders, and students playing the role of victims.

A core group of students has volunteered to participate in the event and take an active role in promoting safe driving practices among their peers. The group met with Boston MedFlight staff, Fairhaven Police, Fire/EMS, and School Administration on Friday May 8 to learn more about the benefits of the program and their role in bringing it to their school.

Safety education is typically promoted during prom season; however tragic events can occur at any time of the year, regardless of the season. Boston MedFlight has designed the SafeTeens Program to help communities offer preventive education. The SafeTeens Program incorporates the Boston MedFlight helicopter as an emergency responder in the mock scenario, along with Fairhaven Fire, Police and EMS vehicles. “This event allows our school community, along with community first responders to understand that a car crash can have a serious, long lasting impact on our school, families, friends, classmates, and community. We are grateful to the Fairhaven Public Safety Departments, school administrators, and community supporters for making this event possible,” said Scott Joseph, Fairhaven High School Resource Officer. “We are especially proud of our own Fairhaven High School students who have embraced the task of bringing an event like this to their peers. “

“Boston MedFlight is pleased to join other first responders and emergency personnel in this important effort to promote safe behavior among teenagers. We hope that by bringing this program to the community we can help reduce injuries and save lives,” said Suzanne Wedel, Chief Executive Officer of Boston MedFlight.

For more information about the Boston MedFlight SafeTeens Program, contact Mary Arredondo, Boston MedFlight Education Coordinator 781-863-2213 or mary.arredondo@bostonmedflight.org

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