Facebook’s Promoted Posts Tool Explained


Michael Silvia
by Michael Silvia

This month Facebook introduced a new promotional tool called Promoted Posts. This tool allows Facebook Fan Page owners with at least 400 fans (but no more than 100,000 fans) the option to expose their posted content to more of their fans.

Why Facebook Promoted Posts?

Typically, when page administrators post content (text, a link, photo, deal or video) to their Facebook timeline, the content only reaches a fraction of their page’s fans. On NewBedfordGuide.com’s Facebook page, our posted content typically reaches 20-30% of of our fans. With over 5,000 fans, we typically reach 1,000 – 1,500 of our 5,000 fans. This limited reach can be attributed to several reasons. First, not all of your fans are on Facebook every day and may not play catch up by scrolling through hours or days of past posts on their feed. Second, some believe that Facebook limits your content reach for various reasons. Regardless of the reason your content is not reaching fans, this new Facebook Promoted Post tool allows you to pay a price to “bump” your content to the top of your fans’ walls.

How Facebook Promoted Posts Works

You must have a Facebook ad account to use promoted posts. This will allow you to promote your content withing seconds. When you post content to your page you are immediately given the option to promote it. Once clicked, the Promote drop down window will provide you options to set a budget and estimated reach. This option is available when you first post, or within 3 days of posting.

Facebook Promoted Posts Options

Facebook will set your budget/reach in the middle price range. Click the price drop down to lower or increase your budget. Once you click Save, your promoted post will go into effect, so make sure you hit Cancel if you don’t want to purchase the Promoted Post marketing. Facebook also provides the option to target fans in a specific location or language. Click on the Public button then Location/language.

Facebook Promoted Posts Location and Language

Narrow down the location and language and click Okay.

Facebook Promoted Posts Location

That’s it. Your Promoted Post will run immediately and your reach will be delivered over a three day period.

Reach Defined

Facebook defines Reach as, “the number of people who see your Page post in News Feed or Ticker, or on your Page’s Wall.” Organic means you gained these views naturally. Viral means someone saw your Page post from a friend and Paid reach means they saw the post through an Ad or Sponsored Story.

Promoted Posts Statistics Explained

You can track your Promoted Post results by visiting the posts that you’ve promoted. There are two areas that provide valuable statistics. First, simply mouse over the reach numbers to see your organic, viral and paid reach numbers.

Facebook Promoted Post Reach Statistics

You can also click on the Promotion Complete tab (or if still active the active promote tab) to gain intelligence on your paid reach. This will detail views, likes, clicks, comments and other details on your promoted post.

Facebook Promoted Post Paid Reach Stats

These statistics should be studied and tracked to help you decide if Facebook’s Promoted Posts tool is best for you. Here are some final suggestions when using Promoted Posts.

1. Facebook recommends that you “pin” your promoted posts. This will get you more organic views because your post will be at the top when people visit your page. “Un-pin” the post once the Promoted Post marketing expires.

Facebook Pin Post

2. Promoted Post works best with posts that have the potential to become viral. Promote good content with a message that gets someone to click the like or share button. Ask a question or provide content that gets your readers to act.

3. I recommend only having one Promoted Post sponsored story going at a time. Having more than one promotion going can become spammy.

Have questions or comments? Post a reply!


About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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