Importance of a Facebook Landing Page


Rose Alley Ale House Facebook Page
Example avatar/banner and Landing Page - click to enlarge

One of the best features for a business is the Facebook fan page account option. If you are a business and have a standard user account (representing a human on Facebook) you are limiting your business potential and hurting your profits. Facebook is full of business user accounts that have maxed out at 5,000 friends and are now full of spam. There are simply too many negatives for a business to maintain their Facebook presence as a standard Facebook user.  Also, if you don’t have a Landing Page (the first thing a new visitor sees when visiting your fan page), you are missing an opportunity to inform fans about your businesses and/or current events.  For example, check out the local New Bedford Landing Pages of New Bedford Guide, Rose alley Ale House, CatwalkBar and corporate Landing Pages like Microsoft and Sony Ericsson. These pages are graphically appealing, inform visitors, and direct traffic to their websites and other Facebook properties.

Facebook Standard User Account Compared to a Fan Page

  • Standard Facebook user accounts are limited to 5,000 friends. Facebook Fan/Business Pages can have unlimited fans. Good case studies are the Catwalk Bar and Grille and Rose Alley Ale House.  They reached their 5,000 friend limit, but since converting from a user account to a fan page they can now communicate with unlimited customers.
  • Facebook Fan Pages have a short domain (like and are found well in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
  • Users must approve all friends. Fanpages are ‘liked’ with a single click and there is no need to approve fans.
  • User accounts can be tagged and spammed easily. Facebook pages allow you to filter spam with ease and they can’t be tagged.
  • Example Facebook Insight Stats

    Facebook provides a powerful statistics tool for fan pages called Insight.  This allows businesses to see their traffic, demographics and other valuable information. This allows for your business to properly allocate your marketing and advertising budget to the appropriate audience, therefore increasing sales.

  • User accounts only allow for wall posts to be displayed. Pages can display and default “Landing Pages” that can market specific products, services, events and other information.
  • Fan pages can be promoted on websites easily by using Facebook’s existing web master tools.  Visitors to your website can like your Facebook page from your website.

If you are a business and still using a standard user account you should convert to a Landing Page right away to take advantage of the benefits listed above.  Currently, converting from a user account to a Facebook page can be done seamlessly with your friends becoming fans. If you already have a Facebook page, you should consider having a Landing Page to visually promote your business and direct traffic to your website.

Facebook Services

  • $250: Establish or convert a Facebook user account to a Facebook Fan Page. Produce a banner/avatar that reflects your business (shows up at the top, left of your account). Examples or banners/avatars or avatars: Rose Alley, Catwalk, Hibernia and New Bedford Guide. Can be done in 48-72 hours once client approves.
  • $500: (Includes Facebook Conversion) Design and code a Landing Page for your Facebook Fan Page. Can be done in 3-4 days once graphic mock up approved.

Contact us at to get full details and/or schedule an appoint with us today.


Full portfolio of here.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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