City of New Bedford photo.

Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Beaches’s Valovia Costa wins New Bedford Way Award


“Congratulations to New Bedford Way Award Winner Valovia Costa, Department of Parks, Recreation & Beaches!

As an Assistant Project Manager, Costa has successfully managed several construction projects in the parks, including the stormwater garden at Brooklawn Park. He’s a regular at neighborhood meetings and frequently joins community groups who sponsor litter pickups on weekends.

Assisting the public is one of his favorite parts of working for the City: he’s currently working with an Eagle Scout on a project at the Flora B. Peirce Nature Trail in the North End, and recently helped the mother of a deceased New Bedford veteran with a plaque at Clasky Common. Congrats Valovia!


The New Bedford Way Awards shine a spotlight on City workers who go above and beyond for their City and its residents. They’re the smiling face you see at City Hall; the person behind the scenes who makes everything run smoothly, the person out in the heat fixing the road or landscaping one of our many parks; or the police officer, firefighter or other emergency worker who is dedicated to keeping New Bedford an amazing place to live, work, and raise a family. The 2024 New Bedford Way Award winners, nominated by their supervisors, were recognized at a recent ceremony at Buttonwood Park, and we’ll shine a light on them over the next week.”-City of New Bedford.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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