Curt Schilling announces that Red Sox legend Tim Wakefield and wife both battling cancer


In heartbreaking news, beloved Red Sox knuckleball legend Tim Wakefield is battling an aggressive form of brain cancer. It was also found out that his wife, Stacy, is also battling pancreatic cancer.

This was all announced by Red Sox legend Curt Schilling on his podcast without the permission of the Wakefields.

Curt Schilling stated on his podcast, “This is not a message that Tim has asked anyone to share, and I don’t even know if he wants it shared, but as a Christian and as a man of faith I’ve seen prayer work and so I’m going to talk about it. Recently Tim was diagnosed with a very serious, very aggressive form of brain cancer.”

Schilling went on sharing Stacy’s private battle with cancer,

“Tim’s wife Stacy is one of the sweetest women you’ll ever meet, is very sick with pancreatic cancer and my wife has talked with her and they’re communicating and they’re going through an incredibly difficult time with Stacy, and I wanted them to know that we’re obviously all thinking of them and praying for her.”

Schilling has received an overwhelming amount of backlash after this seemingly narcissistic decision to leak the Wakefields private health battles. The wife of former Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek called out Schilling on social media, “F–k you Curt Schilling, that wasn’t your place!”.

The Red Sox have released this statement regarding the situation:

About Steven Richard

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