City Councilors Naomi Andrews-Carney and Dana Rebeiro. Photo by Michael Jo Santos.

Councillors Rebeiro and Carney To File Motion to Rescind 44% Pay Raise

City Councilors Naomi Andrews-Carney and Dana Rebeiro. Photo by Michael Jo Santos.
City Councilors Naomi Andrews-Carney and Dana Rebeiro. Photo by Michael Jo Santos.

On Thursday, March 13th, 2014,  New Bedford City Councillors Dan Rebeiro and Naomi Andrews-Carney will officially file a written motion the rescind the 44% pay raise city councilors voted for in 2012.  Here is the exact wording:

WRITTEN MOTION, Councillors Rebeiro and Carney, requesting that the City Council, rescind the 44% pay raise, until such time as the Council can review a more suitable adjustment that is more reflective of the City’s current financial standing. (To be Referred to the Committee on Finance.)

You can read the full City Council agenda here. Are you for or against this move? Leave a comment!

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. Hope they get the raise recinded! It is beyond reprehensible when their constituents are out of work or have such low incomes! NB is definitely a socio-economically deprived area!
    Shame on those councillors!!!!

  2. Recind this and be open about the process. Be comparative to the other MA cities and understand the financial climate as a whole. No one believes that there is not merit in an adjustment, just do it openly and reasonably!

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