Three Community Conversations scheduled by New Bedford Public Schools


New Bedford Public Schools will host three community meetings as part of a conversation about the school system’s future.

The meetings were postponed from February due to weather conditions this winter.

At these meetings, NBPS and the community will discuss the district’s Accelerated Improvement Plan, (AIP) and that what means for every child in our school system. This plan outlines the steps NBPS are taking to reach excellence – in every classroom and in every school – and the ways to ensure the district will stay on track in its improvement efforts.

In New Bedford, our plan for improvement has four goals:

  1. High-quality teaching will be a priority for New Bedford Public Schools. This involves defining what excellent teaching looks like and identifying strategies and tools for teacher success that will be used across the district.
  1. Using data so our teachers and school leaders will target support to students in the areas where they need it most. Focusing on important data will help us know what we are doing well and what we need to adjust to ensure progress with all students.
  1. Developing talent among our teachers and school leaders, as NBPS provides more professional development opportunities than ever before and new ways for both school leaders and teachers to give and receive constructive feedback on the job.
  1. Staying the course in making progress, by seeking guidance from the community (families, employees and community members), to help us stay focused on what we are trying to accomplish. This input will inform our decisions on how the community can ensure our students’ success.

The three Community Conversations meetings will take place at the following locations:

  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. – Normandin Middle School Community Room
  • Tuesday, April 7, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. – Keith Middle School Cafeteria
  • Tuesday, April 14, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. – Roosevelt Middle School Community Room

“We are looking forward to seeing not just parents but people from throughout the community at our meetings,” said Dr. Pia Durkin, Superintendent of Schools. “As we focus on reaching academic excellence across our schools, we welcome the entire community to join us and hear about the steps we are taking as we build an excellent school system.”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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One comment

  1. Michelle Furtado

    This is a PERFECT opportunity for parents to ask questions pertaining to Common Core, a significant issue contributing to the low quality education all MA public schools face today. To learn the truth about Common Core, watch a presentation by Dr. Peg Luksik, hosted by Liberty Chalkboard in Bourne, MA, January 9, 2015. In this presentation, Dr. Luksik explains how Common Core “lowers the bar,” and defends her claims against Common Core using Department of Education documentation. Parents, take notes and ask questions about what’s REALLY happening in your schools.

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