Collector of Civil War Photographs to present FREE African American Soldiers’ Legacy & Book Signing at Fort Taber

The discussion is free and open to the public with light refreshments served at 1000 So. Rodney French Blvd.

On Thursday, June 5 at 6:30pm historian Ronald S. Coddington will discuss and sign his latest book “African American Faces of the Civil War: An Album” at the Ft. Tabor Community Center. This third volume in his series on Civil War soldiers contains previously unpublished photographs of African American participants – many of whom fought to secure their freedom. This event is sponsored by the New Bedford Historical Society and partners including the New Bedford Civil War Roundtable, Ft.

Taber Military Museum and Dog Tags. The discussion is free and open to the public with light refreshments served at 1000 So. Rodney French Blvd. This event commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.

A renowned collector of photographs and a prodigious researcher, Coddington combines compelling archival images with biographical stories that reveal the human side of the war. His groundbreaking study tells the story of the conflict through the images of men of color who served in roles that ranged from servants and laborers to enlisted men and junior officers. Their choices led to equal pay and advocacy for their rights as citizens. Critics have hailed this engaging narrative for its cast of characters and attention to this overlooked experience within the history of the soldier.

“With this year’s 150th anniversary of the Civil War, we are honored to host this reading and remember the men that risked everything for the case of freedom,” says Lee Blake, president of the New Bedford Historical Society. She points out that Coddington picks up where the 1989 movie “Glory” left off. The event will also support plans for a mural to commemorate the MA 54th Regiment in downtown New Bedford where many of the first soldiers of color enlisted for the cause.

Ronald S. Coddington is an assistant managing editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education. His work has appeared in USA Today, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and National Public Radio. He is a contributing writer to The New York Times Disunion series and writes a monthly column for The Civil War News.

This program is sponsored by the New Bedford Historical Society and funded by a grant from the MA Office of Tourism and Travel. For more information, please contact the New Bedford Historical Society at or call (508) 979-8828.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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